Co-Creation: Nomadic Learners are Exploring New area of Innovation

in #education6 years ago (edited)

Hi my name is Julia , I am from Poland, it is the second week I am spending at the Globalschool in Vienna, Austria with the help of Erasmus+ which allowed some students selected to join a first work experience abroad and build their references for their future. Here in Vienna at GlobalSchool we are employed as trainee's in our own job field and depending on our motivation. There are quantity of participants around 30 for the moments in various teams like IT, Media, Photography, Advertising and even mechatronics. Our tutor Jean (@jnmarteau, President of @opt2o and @solidarity) do his best to involve each of us in transdisciplinary work, take initiatives and responsabilities, it is a discovery for most of us who never worked before and I think we are lucky because the @globalschool team is very attentive to our personal needs and interests, however even if it is a chance, it is an opportunity which is not easy to grab for everyone.

From the moment we arrived we got different missions to attend to. For the moment the groups are splitted in various teams. The 3/4 of the IT group is working on the @blocktv project and the 3D modelling.

Before to build the 3d models the team is measuring everything to keep it ratio.

Some are coding an artificial intelligence, a social media platform, a game platform and a streaming service or doing office work while other are translating, testing, reviewing and debugging versions of the iAme platform (core of the various platforms that the @globalschool participants are building such as @com-lab, @blocktv or @onoschool). The first days everything was a mess, we didn't know the platforms, the environment, the people. The langage was also a problem. Luck was on our side because the previous team helped us tremendously by explaining the tasks and everything. It is a good move to involve the previous group in training and onboarding the newone it help to validate our experience we learned the week before with a practical case.

What about the 3D modelling?

To prepare the 3d event coverage of the training course GO Visual, the team is modelling different rooms of the place where the Training Course (TC) will happen, paying attention to each detail.

Moni working on the iAme AI desktop version in C-sharp and Lacy working on the 3d mapping.

Some working on hardware ^^ (Picture by Dorian).


The assembly of the items were a bit hard for them at the beginning but they know their ways around now. The modelling itself takes practice and patience. There are various goals to such activity, first the learners get a vizual approach of coding by using a 3d editor for the first time, it actually helps to understand more easly the coding part, it also help to be creative in data vizualization, to learn virtualization and problem solving efficently while not slowing down other members by having each of us a different role and mission fitting to our personal goals for which we can still cooperate with those more confident with the tools.

About programming and the Polish team

Those who are programming are working to update the old versions of the platform and integrate in the 3d editor what the 3d builders created to allow the others to reuse the models already created. We also have people who are managing Databases, filling out reports for the whole team in English while some are translating websites or text blocks from English to Hungarian or vice versa.

We have some polish people to work with as well, they are Mechatronics and Graphic Designers.

For the Polish group a trip to Vienna is one of the most exciting experiences you can have for your fisrt job abroad. It's a great thing for those who are curious about the world or for travelers who want to get to know a new culture, new tastes and life in a completely alien place. The trip itself is exciting, the problems start only after arrival. At the beginning our faithful companion is the fear of speaking a foreign language, fortunately this fear passes very quickly. We get to know so many new things in such a short time that it is impossible not to get involved. The fear of speaking also passes quickly, we break down our barriers and leave our comfort zone. A feeling of self-confidence appears and then we start to get used to the standards here. After a few days everything becomes normal for us, we begin to feel comfortable and open to new experiences and acquaintances. The trip evokes conflicting feelings in us, but we are generally satisfied with it. For everyone who wonders whether it is worth participating in such a trip, it can be said that it is really worth it.

The Mechatronics are working on an incredible project called MechSat 1 which will try to take part of the further @silkroad40 trips with their satellite drone.

Here some of the most important things I learned about #blockchain
Originally block chain, is a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.Blockchain is the technology that underpins the digital currency Bitcoin – but it has far wider applications and is being commercialised in a growing number of areas. It has generated much interest in technology circles and beyond, because of the new possibilities it opens up in financial services, the public sector and other areas. THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Nov 2017.It's a new type of web and informations put in into that web stay there forever, and that is awsome .

Hope you like my report! I am looking forward to reply to your questions and feedbacks!


More to come soon!
If you like our work, consider to support the @globalschool by making a crypto-donation.

@globalschool IM Wallet:


Excellent first article in English Julia! Your cooperation with @mammasitta has been it seems very fruitful! =)

I am truly amazed about the result of our workshop and so pleased to finally read this article. Wow! Wow! Very well done!
I have been so busy past week and excited to speak at the WU/University tonight. Please say hello to all students!

You inspired them a lot with your #cryptoblogging wrokshop! Thank you for your committement transmitting your user experience! You rock!

He is right. Well done! :)

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