the time has been changed, what about the quality of graduate school?

in #education6 years ago (edited)

that afternoon, dika zulianto (19) busy looking at a computer screen jinjingnya. on the look of his eyes, it looks serious looking for information on a page search jobs. occasionally, he also wrinkled his forehead upon a time to read this information. after graduating from high school vocational (CMS) a few months ago, dika indeed diligent hunting information job. However, after a long time looking for, he never find a job in accordance qualifications. "hard really find a job, condition various", vent teens majored in office administration of it. story dika that could have not only experienced himself. there are many millions of young other in Indonesia who want to be working after graduating school, but the difficulties for not meet the qualifications required company. this is because the industry today different from the tempo first. rate of developments technology changing market behavior or consumer forcing company should be able to customize it. impact qualification labor required also participate change.
director of education Microsoft area middle East and Africa Mark chaban say that the industry in the modern era need labor has skill or ability 5cs five ability is communication (communication), collaboration (work together), critical thinking (critical thinking), creativity (creativity), and computational learning (technology). but Unfortunately, the system and method of learning currently used often make the student's hard to develop and master 5cs. this is because, there are many schools in Indonesia using learning methods conventional or teacher learning Center. method, which is not give you the flexibility to the students to develop the ability of the appropriate talent and his interest. in a way to learn that way, it is a graduate of the resulting was not in accordance with the demands of the industry today so that the end up being unemployed. bps (bps) noted, unemployment Indonesia per August 2017 as much as 7,04 million people. these numbers up 10,000 people from previous 7,03 million people in August 2016. the data is also shown, the number of unemployment high school graduates and SMK quite prominent. high school graduates, for example, has a percentage of 8,29 per cent of the total the unemployment. more concerned again, graduates SMK ranks highest percentage 11,41 percent. utilizing technology in fact, in the modern era like this time, school can take advantage of sophistication digital technology to develop the ability of students. first students today is a generation Z. generation familiar with the gadgets and the Internet as was born at the time of the second this technology is rampant. they use the device is not only as a means of communication but also as a source of information, learn hobbies, solve the problem, up to the source of information. therefore, the school should be able to receive gadgets and Internet into teaching and learning activities (kbn). for example, the teacher can encourage students to play the game brain in gadgets to develop the ability of critical thinking and problem solving him. ago, watch-impressions innovative on YouTube like "5-minute crafts" in an effort to train the child creative thinking and out of the box. as for developing expertise communicate children, teachers can take advantage of a variety of platform digital such as YouTube, WordPress, or blogger. the trick is to provide the tasks, such as written article in blog, making the vlog or even a short film with dialogue English. after that, students can upload the platform. methods can be used if the learning process on class has supported device digital technology. class like this one of which there are in the Samsung smart learning class (sslc). in the class, students using tablet already connected with the Internet as media learning. tablets has also comes with ha-learning some subjects, applications digital library, and applications tutoring online as a media learning. as for teachers there has a crucial role to ensure that device used properly and healthy. well, by way of students like that would make the process of learning and teaching on grade become more interactive and fun. learners became more spirit of learning and easy to absorb the matter. as a result, the school can produce a graduate of quality in accordance with the demands of the industry today. in fact, not impossible they can open a new jobs in the future.


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