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RE: Staying smart in a world of "bad information"

in #education5 years ago

Might be inaccurate but is hugely entertaining. Probably not 9 year old-suitable...But what the hell. A lot of historical information is quite inaccurate, but for me seeking more clarity is part of the fun of studying history.

You're right about information also HD, it's all just information and needs to be weighed and measured by the person absorbing it to determine its value to that person.

So much to learn so little time huh? This is a good post. Now I want to watch the Tudors again. I went to the Tower of London where Anne Boleyn was beheaded along with many others at the order of Henry 8th. Now that's real history. Love it...It's much more engaging than most people these days anyway.

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Love it...It's much more engaging than most people these days anyway.

I know, right? On my first visit to London, I was like a kid in a candy store. I ran around the city for about three days, seeing all sorts of monuments and historical places. I loved the Tower, particularly because all of this heavy history it carried. Sitting outside of Shakespeare's Globe is mandatory for each London trip. there is just something magical about that place, at least to me...

I agree, the show is hugely entertaining and now, I'd like to rewatch it from a more grown-up perspective. It wasn't suitable, no, but at the same time, I was never what you'd call a normal kid. I know I had this feeling watching it that all the sex might be a reason for me to stop watching and I hated that because there was so much more there, to be honest, I barely cared about the sex. I mean, yeah, there were a lot of hot people on the show and I had a crush on Jonathan for many many years, but there is so much more to learn from that show.
You can take the show for this hot people-sex and violence factor which sells or you can take it for all the worlds it might open for you. I loved the Tudors and the Borgias and Rome, but part of that was because my appreciation of the shows made me want to read more and study a person/period further. I have stacks of books on all these periods and I would've never had them, probably, if it weren't for the shows.

but for me seeking more clarity is part of the fun of studying history.

Exactly, if you got it right the first time, you would have no reason to go read a second book. and where's the fun there? I love going through a bookstore and being able to say "oh that's crap" and "oh this one's a great read". It usually helps being with someone, though, otherwise they look at you funny :))

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