Blockchain Bachelor’s Thesis – Information Overflow and How to Deal with It

in #education6 years ago (edited)



This year (actually in about 4 months) I’ll have to present my Bachelor’s thesis. What does that mean for me? It means that I will have to spend hundreds of hours doing research, summing the knowledge up and finally writing down the outcome. What will I receive for it? The biggest advantage is that I’ll have deeper understanding of how to deal with information overflow, thus making myself a more efficient human being. By finishing the Bachelor’s thesis I will finish half of the prerequisites needed to be eligible for the Bachelor’s degree. That is not a good trade…


Making oneself more efficient being is awesome for sure. Truth be told though, I actively seek that through different sources anyway and I don’t desperately need to deal with information overflow right about now (I do feel its effects, but my provisional methods are working to an extent so far). There are more practical things in my life that need to be done. The hundreds of hours could have been used more efficiently than to just (maybe!) increase my future efficiency too. And the degree? Well the today’s generation that has critically evaluated educational system and the value of the degree probably know that the degree is not anything special nowadays. I though already am in the last university’s semester and it would be shame not to finish it.


What about Blockchanizing the Bachelor’s thesis through Steemit though? It comes with plenty of advantages.

  • I would be financially incentivized to work on it.
  • The thesis would not be stuck in University’s database, where only handful of people would ever find it.
  • I could receive a real-time feedback from multiple sources, instead of just one professor and the commission.
  • I could not only make myself more efficient, but I could provide the same information input to all of my followers.
  • At the end I could publish it through Pevo (is the project still alive @pharesim, @shak?)

Blockchanizing the thesis would make my situation definitely a win/win one!

Why such a topic?


I’m not that type of guy that goes for the easiest possible option at hand. Bachelor’s thesis is actually just a farce. All it takes is to pick up an easy theme that has plenty of sources and then all that is required from you is to quote and paraphrase all the time. ZERO intellectual work is needed, if one picks an easy theme. That wouldn’t be me if I opted for such an option.

That is why I chose the topic that is yet to be deeply researched. I do not intend to “discover the meaning of life” here, nor I pretend that I want to. I have carefully set up the annotation in a way that leaves the backdoor opened for me. I will try to seek methods through which one can at least party eliminate the ever-present information overflow, but I don’t have to come up with any. That will not stop me from trying of course. I just didn’t want to pay dearly for picking up a harder theme than most of my colleges.

All the accessible information is awesome, but people have not yet adopted themselves well. Since I seek how to be more effective ever since I discovered Less Wrong I seek my biases and weaknesses, therefore I can safely say that I feel the effects of information overflow everyday due to my endless studying of the cryptonomics and the projects out there. I can probably assume that most of you do feel its effects too, regardless of what you do in your lives. If we knew how to deal with it more effectively, we might be able to work harder, while enjoying the lives even more. Isn’t it a great dream?

What to expect from me?


Rather sooner than later like ¼ (at least) of my blog will turn into the “Blockchanized Bachelor’s thesis”. I truly hope that we all will be able to somehow grow and adapt to the information age together. Expect the summary of my philosophical background for the Bachelor’s thesis next week. Hopefully I will gather at least some feedback and then I’m going to present it to the professor. Hopefully the approach will get an approval and I’ll start working on it. Stay tuned!


My man best of luck with your thesis! A monumental amount of work is ahead of you haahah :P

I hope you can share some of your findings with this community. Besides, it is double the benefit for you, because whatever you write for the thesis, can also become posts for steem. Unless your professors forbid you from sharing your research online? lol

Good luck with this!!

Yea... too much work spent on something that I dont really want to do atm...
:D how could he forbid something like that? The work is mine not his and as far as Im concerned I can share my work wherever I please:P

Oh well I don't really know, I thought thesis couldn't be published until they were done lol

Well the "original" will be written in Czech..this will be just some kind of unofficial experiment:P

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