Beef Buildings A Simple Form of Life We Should Have Examples (Brandang)

in #education7 years ago (edited)

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A farm building in which cattle are kept when not in a pasture, or in which they are milked.
It's a mixture of habitable buildings, several disused farms, cowsheds and what was probably once a pigsty.
Cow shed is very necessary in the business of breeding and fattening cattle. The main function of the cow shed is to provide comfort for the cattle, and also protect the livestock from outside interference such as weather and so forth.Source

Open Sided, Clear Span Pole Shed

A good and efficient cow dung became one of the keys to success in raising beef cattleSource

This type of housing is most typical of structures used and is suitable for all cattle on the farm. This is the least expensive of new structures and very easy to build. Open sheds should face the south for winter sun and block the prevailing winds. Pole barns of this design can be partitioned for groups of animals without complicated interior construction.Source

One of the least expensive structures for housing cattle is the hoop barn. Hoop barns are similar to greenhouses. One disadvantage is the heat and ventilation problems during the summer months, but this should not pose an issue if you are planning on grazing your cattle during the warmer climate months.Source

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Construction Cage

The construction of the cage must be strong and made of economical and accessible materials. In the cage there should be drainage and sewerage that is easy to clean. Cage poles should be made of round wood to make it more durable compared to wood shaped boxes. In addition, round wood will not hurt the body of the cow, in contrast to wood boxes that have sharp corners.Source

Disadvantages of Housing

Cost to build
Respiratory disease and scours
Manure handling and disposalSource

Cows are built for cold

Thick hide
Long hair
Low requirements
High fiber dietsSource

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General Requirements

Keep the design simple. Share water bowls between two pens maximum. Pen layout should be rectangular if possible. Group pens such that the system is modular.

Extra pens should be easy to add by simply extending a few alleys and constructing the pens themselves. The feed processing area, cattle handling facilities, calving barn and existing gates should not need relocation when herd expansion occurs. Source

Keep the cattle house dry and clean always. Remove the excreta from house frequently. Do this at least twice a day. If the house become unhealthy and damping, then the cattle will get affected by various types of diseases easily. So it will be better if you make concrete floor inside the cattle housing system. Don’t make the floor slippery. Make a drainage system inside the house to clean the house properly.Source

Type Enclosure.

The enclosure can be made in double or single form, depending on the number of cows owned. In single-type cages, the placement of cows is done on one row or one row, while the double-type enclosure is placed on two opposite or opposite ranks. Between the two ranks is usually made a path for the road.Source

Cage Enhancement

How to Clean the Cage Where to Feed and Drink Cow - The process of cleaning the cage is done according to existing procedures in maintenance management. Cage cleaning includes a feed tub, a drink tub, a cage floor as well as a cage environment. Tools used in the cleaning of the cage in the form of wood pusher faeces, shovels, broom stick and sack to accommodate the dirt to be used as organic fertilizer.Source

Cleaning the drinking place is done by using a brush or a small rag. Cleaning the drinking place aims to keep the drinking water tub is not dirty and tub not mossy. Cleanliness of drinking water needs to be maintained, because it is very closely related to livestock health.Source

Cleaning the Cow Shed from Cowhide

There are many ways that can be done to make cow dung clearance from dirt that accumulate. Cleaning the cage from the dirt is a must for a breeder because the clean cage will also make the cow more comfortable and of course healthy.Source

The way to clean cow dung in a cage depends on the type of floor the cage is used. For the ground cage, the cleaning method is very simple because it just takes the cow dung that accumulate using a scoop or hoe and then transferred to landfill or processed into compost.Source


Life all begins with an idea and the sanctity of nature. Both the Ox and Man alike keep the life running as it should be. How the Cow House was designed as well as the man designed house.
Equally keep things tied up with cleanliness and air freshness












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