Expectations Of Young Students

in #education5 years ago

Hi there. In this education post, I provide an overview of expectations of younger students. Good educators want the best for their students but their expectations of the students have to be attainable and reasonable.


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  • Expectations Of Young Students Should Not Be High
  • Behaviourial Expectations
  • Keep It Simple

Expectations Of Young Students Should Not Be High

Expectations of young students should not be very high as they are in a trial and error phase in their lives. Many young students will not get things perfect (for the first time) as a lot of concepts being taught to students are new and may be difficult. Patience is a virtue here.

There are times when certain teaching methods may not work with certain students. Other teaching methods may need to be implemented that is suitable for the student(s). Flexibility and creativity is useful here.

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Behaviourial Expectations

When it comes to young students, they are still growing physically, mentally and emotionally. Some students may be well-mannered, some may be spoiled, some may be loud, some may be rude and some might be violent. With young students expect anything at any time. Human adults are not perfect and neither are the younger students.

As educators, teachers, tutors and the like, you can state your expectations and rules to your students of what is acceptable to you for the benefit of everyone. Stating ground rules, ethics and expectation to the students is recommended. If students don't meet expectations, you let them know (as tactfully as possible).

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Keep It Simple

It is important to try to keep things simple to students (in general). Avoid being technical unless it is absolutely necessary. Keeping things simple for students will help them learn concepts more easily and reduces the chances of a student saying "I don't get it.".

Strategies can include:

  • Mind maps
  • Memory Aids and acronyms
  • Useful Pictures
  • Learning Though Simple Games/Activities
  • Flow Charts


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