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RE: The Education System Needs A New Design For Our Children & Future Generations

in #education7 years ago

Those who have children will have no choice but to put their kids to school and let them go through that conventional learning. Even if they are aware of the BS educational system. So the kids grow up scared to explore, pursue their passion, think outside the box, as they are only limited to only what has been instilled in their minds. They were only taught how to follow rules and conform.

Reminds of the movie 'captain fantastic'.


I think there are schools that allow kids to explore and learn to identify and pursue their passions, and think outside the box. These schools are are and it will take extraordinary effort on the parents' part to find them and make them available to their children. In many, but not all, countries homeschooling is another option.

May I ask why you think they will have no choice but to be put in those schools?

In some areas in the world, there is no other choice of schools, and most people really just want to put their kids in the conventional school. Say an artist, there's a 'starving artist' label and parents are afraid that their kids will be labeled as this, pursuing something that won't give them a good life in the end. People should understand that situations and educational system in some areas are not like in the US / Europe. And people still have the old school thinking. If you haven't lived, studied and been to these countries then I can understand.

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