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RE: The Masters’ of Criminal Justice at South University: A review of the online program

in #education8 years ago

There were over a dozen subjects in my Bachelors degree, or one of my degrees. I actually have more letters AFTER my name than I really have IN my name . . .

I cannot recall I think i only failed two or three subjects, I think that last fail was when they changed the "conceded pass" mark UPWARDS ! ! ! This was OK at 45 % but then they changed it to FIFTY PERCENT, ridiculous; after all i was PAYING fees and THEIR WAGES ! ! !

B/Dastards ! ! !

Anyway after I received my parchment (qualifications) I checked my attendance and over the space of four years I had actually attended six classes that was not mandatory; excluding exams of course . . .

So I thought that is not so bad, I only ever went to school SIX times; and only failed three subjects leading to redo those entire subjects again.

I am still having counselling over one assignment; I procrastinated and delayed this academic requirement until I finally felt I had to attempt it. When the assignment was returned to me it was overwritten with the words "Assignment mark ZERO %, assignment UNREAD; assignment submitted twenty days late ! ! ! , full academic penalty . . . "

Personally I was devastated, after all the effort I had invested in AVOIDING that assignment; then to finally submit my workmanship and have it rejects as unread. I emailed the "creature" and they said that is policy, I said but if you had read it and seen how great it was; anyways they politely terminated the communications : (

Anyways; who needs damn creatures anyways; I showed her, despite her attempts to prevent me reaching the 50% passing mark.


Hah; i showed her, dam femails ;)


< There were over a dozen subjects in my Bachelors degree, or one of my degrees. I actually have more letters AFTER my name than I really have IN my name . .


I had the same thing happen a few times during my online education as far as procrastination goes, BUT I had busted my ass in those courses before the procrastination would start...I think teachers let you get away with a ittle bit more if you have shown you can work hard over the long haul

I got so annoyed in one class, I had this young Asian chick as a presentation talk partner. She was even slacker than me, she was half my size, Asian and half my age.

This b/witch did even less than me, but every time she saw the teacher she would offer the teacher an Apple (figuratively speaking) , she would smile sweetly and talk up how amazing the world was going to be when she got out there to contribute.

Always with the teacher she was oh this class is great, this class is simply awesome, etc, etc, yadda; yadda, yadda.

I got a REDO on the ENTIRE class and this lazy brown nosing female thing got her pass. Seriously I wanted to look up her address and drive around to her house and vomit in her letterbox...

Simply amazing, now I solo everything since that way I am always the most talented and the most useless person on my "team" ! ! !

she deserved a spanking. Asian women usually do ;>

..and Latinas
...and Jewesses
...and white wimmins

hmmm, pretty much, they all do. I guess that's why their butts are shaped to fit in your hands!

Seriously though, I was lucky in that I was in a program that was primarily used by professionals, and that hence pulled their weight or even outdid me.

Even the one flaky chick I took a course with did a great job in group activities

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