in #education8 years ago


With the previous incidents of Steemit accounts hacking, users can use the “SAVINGS” feature in their Wallet to INSURE their STEEM in some way. This is to ENSURE that STEEM is protected and secure.

DISCLAIMER: I am not an English Native Speaker nor an expert in English language. What I write here are all from experience and research. If you feel I am out of line or say the wrong things, please alert me in the comments. To this effect, I am not immuned to these confusing words myself and this series is as much as an education for me as to those who read these blog posts.


Some “experts” claim that these two words are closely used interchangeably, thus the confusions in their usage. Oxford Online Dictionary suggests that the word “insure” is most likely used appropriately to indicate a commercial and financial connotation. “ensure”, however, Writer’s Digest makes a distinction and suggests that the word “ensure” is appropriately used when referring to making sure things will happen as they should. 

ENSURE, to make certain things happen as they should.

Example #1: A good home security system ENSUREs protection from thieves.

Example #2: To ENSURE the safety of our guests, we placed CCTV cameras all over the premises to monitor all activities during the convention.

INSURE, to apply financial and commercial compensation to a property.

Example #1: Choosing the right company to INSURE my house is a crucial decision.

Example #2: My savings deposit is INSUREd up to US$50,000.00.

Further Study:

I hope we learned something new today. I surely did! See you in the next confusing words! If you like this series, please follow @cjclaro and upvote and resteem ;-)

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