I Am a Transformer

in #education6 years ago
Life is full of real transformers. They change their form—and how they look—following a biological plan.



Life is full of real transformers. They change their form—and how they look—following a biological plan. A butterfly is a real transformer. Its life cycle is a biological plan with four stages.

  • First, there’s an egg that is laid on a leaf near butterfly food. It isn’t an egg for long.
  • Second, the egg hatches. Larvae come out. Larvae look like insects, with six legs and tiny hairs on the side. They eat and grow for about twenty-one days. Then they begin to change.
  • The third stage is a pupa (also called a chrysalis or cocoon). This is the transformation stage. On the outside, a cocoon looks still. It’s silent. On the inside, a lot is happening. The caterpillar is changing into a butterfly.
  • The fourth stage is the adult butterfly. Many butterflies have colorful wings. They can fly. They lay eggs, near food, that grow into caterpillars, and then cocoons, to become butterflies.


A frog is a real transformer. Its life cycle is a biological plan with three stages.

  • First, there’s an egg that is laid in the water and covered with special jelly. It isn’t an egg for long.
  • Second, the egg hatches. It’s a tadpole! Sometimes, tadpoles are called polliwogs. Tadpoles eat and grow in the water. The top of the pond often looks still and silent. Under the water, a lot is happening. The tadpoles grow back legs, then front legs, and their tails shrink.
  • The third stage is a frog. People often think of frogs as green. A frog may be other colors, too. Some frogs change colors. Frogs lay eggs that grow into tadpoles, to become frogs.

Some of the changes around us are transformations that follow a plan, over and over again. They are quiet transformations that are an important part of Life on Planet Earth.

I Am a Transformer too

Butterflies, frogs and ME!
I’m a transformer, too!
I once was a baby, but not anymore.
My smaller me definitely GREW!
I’m littler today than I will be soon,
I grow larger bit by bit.
I’m transforming again to a bigger me.
When I get to ‘adult’ size, I’ll quit!


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