Is there a specific technique to solve physical exercises? I explain my technique!

in #education6 years ago (edited)
First of all, it is necessary for us to understand that in order to set any objective, it is necessary to base our foundations on basic and solid foundations, since from this point onwards all our knowledge will gather fruit of our technique to apply When studying any science, in this case I will present a methodology appropriate to my experiences with the study of physics. Once we have obtained and put into practice our basic knowledge, it is necessary that we master the fundamentals inherent in physics as a science, we achieve this if we try to solve physical problems based on reality, and that have a certain degree of importance in scientific development. - intellectual, and engineering with all its technological advances.

When we study and learn physics and all its branches such as fluid mechanics, static, dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, electricity, mechanics of solids, among others, we can establish a methodology when solving practical exercises, that is why You can apply a method to solve exercises that is guided, that is, step by step.

For example, the methodology and mentality that the engineer must apply is to turn the solution of a difficult problem into a simple solution, even if that exercise is seen as a fairly simple approach to solve. A clear example is expressed in the following image:


The methodological proposal to address a problem or physical statement is the following:

  • How to approach the statement of the problem?

Before doing anything and starting to draw any mathematical calculation, I recommend expressing briefly and in your own words the problem posed, that the information you have provided in the statement of the problem is easy to digest for you. All this will ensure understanding and objectives before attempting to solve the problem.

  • Make a scheme

I recommend to the person who is approaching the solution of the problem to make a real scheme of the physical system in question, in turn it is good to make an annotation or section of information related to the figure or scheme, this sketch will help a lot, and has no that necessarily be elaborated perfectly, with only that the scheme manages to show a real resemblance to the study system where the most important characteristics for the study can be shown.

  • Assume and approximate data

Everything that is thought to solve an exercise is good, our ideas although badly we think that they do not have to do with the solution of the exercise, it is good to take them into account. Therefore, I recommend stating the assumptions and approaches that are closest to the reality of the solution of the physical problem posed. It is good to consider reasonable values ​​for the remaining amounts that are necessary. For example, in the absence of certain specific data such as atmospheric pressure, it is advisable to take the value of one atmosphere (1 atm).

Image source pixabay

  • Consider the analysis of the physical laws in the resolution of exercises
    It is necessary to take into account the power to apply the analysis and incorporation of relevant laws and physical principles, in turn it is also important that you have the ability to reduce these statements or physical laws to a simpler form of application can use the considerations raised in the exercise. However, it is necessary to make certain things clear, first it must be considered that the region where the physical law is applied must first be clearly identified.

An example of how a physical law can be incorporated is the following:

The increase in the velocity of the air flowing through a nozzle is analyzed by applying the mass conservation between the inlet and outlet of the nozzle. (First law of thermodynamics: Law of conservation of energy)

  • Carry out the corresponding calculations.

It is always convenient to take the mathematical equations to the minimum expression, applying clearings and mathematical properties that facilitate the substitution of the known physical quantities. It is also important to pay special attention to the units and the eliminations of these, for this it is necessary to take into account that a dimension without unity has no meaning.

Post mortem to the calculations of the physical problem (reasoning, checking and analysis)

Check to make sure that the results obtained are reasonable and intuitive, and corroborate the validity of the questionable assumptions. Many times we have time to check the results, for that we can take those results and compare them with real life situations. That time is important for us to analyze the questionable values ​​of the initial assumptions made at the beginning of the exercise.


Also indicate the meaning of the results and analyze their implications. Express the possible conclusions and any recommendations that can be made from them. For example, what does a negative distance mean for me, for distance = -5m, this means that there are no negative distances, in this case the negative sign means that it is moving in a different direction to the natural location of the movement.

Take into account that the solutions you present to your professors and any engineering analysis presented to other people, are a form of communication. Thus, neatness, organization, integrity and visual appearance are of utmost importance for maximum efficiency.


I hope that this article will be very useful for all the Steeminian public in general, and especially for students and teachers at all levels of education.

Greetings from your friend @carlos84.

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