Impact of the Oil Economy on the Venezuelan population / Reflection

in #education6 years ago

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Historically, if we recount the beginning of the oil boom, agriculture was already in crisis at that time, because the peasants were suffering from all sorts of calamities. Upon learning of the need for personnel that the oil companies had, the peasants from different parts of the country went in search of employment to become salaried workers. Therefore, the following question arises:

Where else would the oil workers come from in a rural country where most people were peasants?

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This was a condition that was leaving the field empty and turned rural areas into urban centers, on the eastern coast of Lake Maracaibo, for example, there were fishing villages, several of them with stilt houses for their small population, all this to later become In one of the most thriving areas in terms of petroleum, where villages passed cities.

This process of urbanization continued without any limitation, from occupying the oil areas to cities where the economy reacted generating new sources of employment, where many landowners preferred to invest in urban businesses, thus contributing to further weaken agricultural activity national.

Once the oil Venezuela is consolidated, a country with a different environment and environment emerges, with urban - industrial landscapes that it had not had in its stage of agricultural economy. A new social nature is beginning to be established, where society is not only made up of landowners and peasants, but also new social classes originated by the oil boom in the country. In oil Venezuela.

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Already today many things have changed that oil Venezuela, it is normal as every aspect in this life change and evolve to take other forms, nowadays everything related to the oil industry is in charge of the state company Petróleos de Venezuela, Sociedad Anónima (PDVSA), but it is enough to analyze that for the oil business of my country to become nationalized it had to pass more than half a century to reach this point, prior to this it was a business monopolized by foreign companies that received concessions where only they could exploit it and market it.

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In order to acquire the oil knowledge that we currently have, it also means an arduous and hard task, where the search for oil required that with a little geological knowledge, with primitive equipment and with workers who had never worked on it, explore and exploit the first deposits of oil and natural gas, and as time went by we reached the current knowledge that helps us continue to exploit the precious liquid so that our economy remains an oil rentier economy, business that moves an entire nation from the oil jobs up to the investments that are made based on the net inflow of money that comes in for the income of the barrels of oil that we export abroad.

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Things necessarily had to change from having a rhythm of life to then acquire another, that is why if someone asks this question:

Why so much effort to find and exploit oil?

It is very simple, it was necessary that everything changed to be in the lifestyle where both the Venezuelan and global population needed the precious liquid since since then we had begun the use of energy and its derivatives, necessary from long ago for example to move engines of industrial machines and then the newly invented automobile, which made it necessary for new refineries to appear in Venezuela to transform a certain amount of oil into gasoline. Another aspect to take into account is that for electricity generation not all renewable energy sources provide sufficient original strength to be transformed into electrical energy, which is why oil is a fundamental part to transform steam energy and high temperatures generated by the thermoelectric plant to bring electricity to Venezuelan homes, which every time since the beginning of oil activity has been in greatest demand.

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The entire oil energy scenario that occurred from the beginning of oil Venezuela to the present has generated an impact not only on the economy of the population but also a change in their lifestyle, in order to continue analyzing how the economy impacts. oil industry in the Venezuelan population, it is necessary to continue studying and continue evaluating and analyzing all the transformative aspects that the oil activity is taking, such as the diverse prices that it takes in the different oil markets like OPEC, the new needs of energy demand , since technology has incorporated new lifestyles through the use of new tools and artifacts, then it implies greater energy demand for its use, these and many more aspects have to have a constant evaluation to be able to estimate the future that impacts the oil economy not so much for the Venezuelan population but for the world.

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