Analysis on trend, object and methods applied in geography as science / Reflection

in #education6 years ago (edited)

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Geography should be considered as a science. And as a science integrated into the group of Social Sciences to which belong Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, History and Sociology. All of them have their own object and are governed by specific laws and methods.

There are a great variety of trends in geographical studies. You can not need a general agreement about how to treat their contents, or the specific methods to follow.

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Goals to pursue within the study of geography (Analysis and reflection)

With geography and its forms of adaptation in what it is taught, we can learn to manage a great diversity of knowledge that helps us to understand the world in which we live so that we can improve the quality of life. However, it is difficult to affirm that Geography aims to answer all the questions of a social nature, since within its great diversity it also deals with:

  • Study of the physical environment: Our planet presents a great diversity in the ways in which it is physically presented to us, nature, rivers, lakes, seas and everything related to the physical aspects of the earth are elements of our nature. important of these elements take into account their origins of training, and also the various forms they can take as they study the possible ways of evolving these and other physical traits further.

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  • Geographic regions: Each and every one of the geographical regions of our planet has its own characteristics and different from each other, a situation that impacts on the study of other aspects studied by geography, the physical features of the inhabitants are different from For example, we left the plain to enter the mountain ranges, the maritime coasts consist of high temperatures that make the black population predominate, all this diversity as a result of the natural physical environment makes the world economies are different, since It is not the same to plant, for example in a tropical and humid zone, a desert and dry area, the geographical physical conditions could say that it impacts on the study of the other traits that are the object of study of geography.

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  • Study of people as a social entity and the relationship with their geographical location: Through the diverse evolutionary forms of man, he has adopted different cultures and ways of living, all different in each place and region of our planet , know how to raise and know the origin of these forms of life in different regions is of vital importance in my opinion, since we can understand how it impacts the physical aspects of our planet's elements such as climate, soil in different forms of culture, tradition and ways of life.

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At the same time, the way in which the world population is distributed in the different geographical spaces are not the most equitable, this inequality in the distribution of the inhabitants is very important, since within its deep study we can analyze the exodus of people from the peasant zones towards the great metropolises of the world, situation in particular that has brought certain inconveniences such as social inequality, overpopulation, pollution in the big cities of the world. All this leads me to think that it is necessary that there is an increasingly revolutionary and transformative tendency toward a study and analysis focused on the phenomena of population distribution.

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Analysis about the methods applied within the geography

We know that geography is a science, a situation that places it as an entity that has to be governed by specific laws and methods. Among the laws that must be highlighted and mentioned are: the law of universal gravitation, that of buys, that of stephenson, that of ferrel.

The method involves a combination of location, observation, analysis and description.

By means of the location, the geographical region to be studied is specified, and relationships are established with other similar or different ones. This location can be done directly on the spot or through maps or other geographical representations.

The observation is achieved directly on the landscape or on the various geographical phenomena such as winds and / or rain, once we make the observations an experimental study should be carried out in which we can compare elements of the object study, make deductions of origin philosophical, applying the various process of logical deduction, the realization of these comparisons, deductive processes after observations, what is sought is to have a complete and organic scientific study.

The analysis is precisely the stage that allows to form the evaluations and concrete studies on the natural regions. You get to them after a careful study of the landscape, its elements and the phenomena that take place there.

The description is like the result of all the previous ones, it is the step where we specify the characteristics of the study in a way where everything is well explained and synthesized, where there is a conclusion and analysis where all the results obtained in the research are understandable for further studies at depth

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Final reflection

The study of the trends that geography should adopt as a science, and the objectives that must be set based on the needs of current societies must be carried out under the protection of a sense of fraternity between the various social forces that make life in the planet.

The variety and richness that the diverse geographical spaces possess, must be seen by the inhabitants of the world under a transcendental dimension, where the geographic phenomena that are happening must be registered by the geographical science to never forget.

The methods of observation, analysis and description give depth and scientific character to all the studies and research that are intended to be carried out in the various branches of geography.

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