31 Steps to Learn a New Language: Step #8 - Write Notes by Hand

in #education7 years ago

Write Notes
Source: Write Notes by Hand

Handwriting notes has been scientifically proven to improve memory retention. This is in comparison to typing it out on the computer, which is common practice in the digital age. This is because the physical act of writing requires critical thinking. The brain engages with whatever the learner is focusing on as they transcribe everything down on paper. The effort it takes to write notes by hand sends the brain signals that say the lesson is worth remembering. While typing down notes on a computer neglects to engage certain areas of the brain that deals with memory formation.

This in turn decelerates the learning process. Manual transcribing encourages the learner to process the information and understand it. It activates circuits and cells in the brain that bring the information a learner digests to the forefront. The written word stimulates a recognition of crucial information that is vital in learning a language. The result is a learner that retains information better. All while their learning experience becomes easier and more efficient.

31 Steps to Learn a New Language

Step 1. Identify Your Learning Style

Step 2. Set Achievable Goals

Step 3. Accept That You Cannot Always Be Fluent

Step 4. Be Patient and Prepared to Put in Effort

Step 5. Take Advantage of Free Resources

Step 6. Adhere to a Strict Study Schedule

Step 7. Visualize Your Goals

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