The Importance of Maintaining Responsibility

in #education7 years ago (edited)

If you get a trust
Keep that trust in earnest
and gather that trust one by one
do not let that trust go just
because of a belief that is maintained intact
more valuable than many temporary trusts.


Trying but failing is better than
Did not try at all
So said the teacher, because failure is complementary
In reaching the sweetness of success
Failure is a delayed success
because failure is the experience leads to success

This is my post for today.
Thank you all for visiting my blog.
I hope my article is useful to you all!..


Pentingnya Memelihara Tanggung Jawab

Jika engkau mendapatkan satu kepercayaan
Jagalah kepercayaan itu dengan sungguh sungguh
Dan kumpulkanlah kepercayaan itu satu demi satu
jangan biarkan kepercayaan itu pergi hanya
karena sebuah kepercayaan yang dijaga dengan utuh
lebih berharga dari banyaknya kepercayaan yang sementara.

Mencoba tapi gagal itu lebih baik dari pada
Tidak mencoba sama sekali
Begitulah kata guruku, karena kegagalan adalah pelengkap
Dalam mencapai manisnya keberhasilan
Kegagalan adalah kesuksesan yang tertunda
karena kegagalan adalah pengalaman menuju keberhasilan...

Demikianlah posting saya hari ini.
Terimakasih telah mengunjungi blog saya.
Semoga artikel saya diterima dan bermanfaat ba


Your points are classic words of wisdom. Responsibility must always be held onto, and we must not let those who trust us down. Trust is to be cherished. And success never comes easy or overnight. No one speaks of their failures after they succeed, but we must not get the wrong impression that failures never happen because they do—more often than successes.

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