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in #education7 years ago

Types of Education

Today I'd like to talk about education. I think that most would agree that education is very important and is the foundation of who we are and what we will do in life. When I say education I assume that most people will think that that I am talking about school and a higher education but I am talking about education in general. Even on our own we can educate ourselves like from reading books or even by surfing the web, It might not be as systematic or effective as in a school but when done properly the results are the same nonetheless.


Everyone processes information differently and this can be divided into four categories. Visual, aural, reading/writing and kinesthetic. The reason I said previously that learning alone can be more effective is because in classrooms everyone is treated equally and every teacher has different teaching styles which may include on all four teaching styles or may not, usually it's the latter and unless classes could either be divided in said groups to suit each individual learning on your own to suit how you do best would help you perform better.

So can learning on your own be beneficial? of course it is! we should never stop learn whether you're still in school or all grown up we should never stop learning. But the question most of youngsters have trouble with is how can learning on your own be beneficial if it won't be able to help us land jobs so to speak. it is true that mot companies usually won't hire when you don't have the proper "paperwork" that fit your skill set. However they will notice of what you have done.

Can we do something to help?


It might be easy to see when a child is not doing very well in school but have you thought to yourself why that is? instead of blaming the internet or game consoles maybe it's because they aren't being thought the way they need to be? as I said earlier I believe that everyone takes in information differently and if we can adjust both the surrounding and the teaching style a children who previously was not doing so well could start catching up.

There may not be an easy way to tell which kind of teaching styles children need. If you are a parent or a guardian or maybe even a teaching and you notice that some of the kids are lacking try and ask them what is the problem do they need more attention? or maybe they need something different? they might not always give you the answers but it's better than just leaving them on their own.

Another thing is to watch them more closely, try to see what they do when they do take in information and this doesn't mean when they are studying. Let's say a child is having trouble in school, and when they are playing just watching try and see how they try to learn when they are on their own? do they write stuff down? do they repeat it to themselves? or do they try to physically do it themselves? these small things they do on their free time could help us understand how they process information.

Pressure is not always good

Some people might do good under pressure, however there are also those that won\t do well under pressure. Most teens think that high school is the end of the line and if they screw up and they can't go to collage or a university they think their lives are over. This pressure that they live under is not a good thing, we tend to forget that even teens live under pressure and this constant pressure they live in is not healthy, they tend to make stupid mistakes and screw up. We need to at least try to comfort them and try to make them more relaxed so that they will be able to study and learn properly.

Something else we should ask them to do is to pick up a hobby if they haven't already. Something that they enjoy, helping and supporting their hobbies could help them relax and who knows maybe they'll even figure out what they want to do in life.

And so

So at the end of the day what I would like to say is that not every kid who is doing bad is stupid, maybe all they need is some attention or different teaching styles and in the end it's our job to figure out what is wrong because they don't know what is going on either. If we fail to do anything then they themselves would feel stupid when there might be something else we could do. So keep an eye on them, pay less attention to your social media feed and more on what they are doing who knows maybe you'll find something you didn't see before.

Just like in the medical field there are lives on line when it comes to education and we should try to give them the best opportunity they can get. If you are reading this I hope I might have shared some things that may help you and those around you.

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