Full-tme student teacher!

in #education6 years ago

It's always easier to talk than to act.


I have been doing just that the past 5 months by working at a centre which provides education to children in a much smaller scale. I only have one student but I work 5 days a week.
The hours are not bad at all and the family really takes good care of me. Sometimes it just gets a bit much when I realise that I have to handle a household, my work, studies and then there are the ocasional friends who show up from time to time just to check if I'm still alive.

It's maddening to think that mothers out there do this everyday! I'm not even a mother yet and already I am complaining.

I've done a bit of research (during those insomnia hours at night) and I have found that this feeling of having to much to do has everything to do with sleeping patterns (how convenient).
Studies have shown that not only has the percentage in children being able to cope through an entire school day dropped but the amount of educational information that has to be processed everyday has increased. It is a vicious circle where children sleep less just to be tiered out even more.

Researchers tend to insult technology and state that this is the leading cause of why children cannot sleep nor function but I disagree. e all want to become more and more intelligent everyday thus there can be no one to blame except our own minds and abilities.

In order to get one this something else has to be sacrificed. In order to become more educated we have to sleep less.

If a child continues this pattern throughout their university stage they will definitely burn out before the age of 21!

I'm passed all of that but still I have to admit, I wish I had finished my degree when I started, then I would not have seen the world nor would I be so tired now.
Wel, I have to admit the see the world bit sounds much more exciting than want the future could hold for me.

I'm writing to rant and complain but most of all I write to make myself feel better!
I oh boy - I feel much better.

I hope your week has gone better than mine.
Well Wishes

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