in #eduation6 years ago

Language is the use of words either written or spoken in a structured and conventional way as a method of communication. A system of communication by a particular community or country.
A language can further be defined as a system or symbols for writing programs or algorithms. Language specifically are words that mean and must be chronologically aligned to make meaning.
From all ramifications, it is crystal clear that language is the first line of communication., this is more so that you have arrange words or signs to make meaning. If specifically words must be arranged logically to make sense, in linguistics; the study of language an therefore be said to have two branches.
The branches of linguistics are; syntax and semantic of information processing. These an also be seen as a Siamese twins of information processing as they are both equally important and dependent. Syntax is a term used for the study of rules governing the way words are combined to form sentence. If we take any sentence of English, it is clear that the words are arranged in a specific order. We are not at liberty to put them in any arrangements we like if we wish to be understand at all.
More over, to change the word order is to alter the meaning. Consider the following sentence; the cat chases the mouse. th-1.jpg
We know that individual items are related to each other in such a manner that it allows only one interpretation, when we interchange them to be the mouse chases the cat; a totally different meaning will be created. It is rare or precisely never has it been heard that the mouse chases the cat. th.jpg
This is because the parts of the sentence are structurally related to each order and these structure is equally reflected n the word order.
What then is semantics? Semantic investigation of language operates at two grammatical ranks; the word rank and the sentence rank. Semantics an therefore be seen as the meaning of word and sentence at word rank, linguistics explore the relationship which words have with each order. Within the language as a whole.
A key idea here is taken from the provision of how words are generally defined by signs. Their relationship with words and the high reference is symbolic so that rather than been labels for things they are labelled for concepts.
If will be of benefits to discuss that syntax begets semantics, for it is from the logical, chronological and/or sequential arrangements of words that brings about meaning their dependent is highly indispensable ad stands as the premer fashe evidence or pedigree upon which we an justify that they are both the Siamese twins of information processing.
Generally speaking, information processing is the framework is used by the cognitive psychologist to explain and describe mental process this model/framework is likened process and how a computer generally works . just like the computer the human minds takes information, organizes and stores it to be retrieved at a later time just as the computer has an input device, a processing unit and a storage unit as well as the output device so does the human mind. These characteristics defined the similarities between the human minds and the computer system. In computer systems data are fed into the computer with the aid of scanners, microphones, keyboards et cetera. In the human minds , the input device is called the “sensory register” it is composed of organs like the eyes and ears through which we receive information about our surroundings.
As information is received by the computer it is processed in the central processing unit which is equivalent to the working memory or short term memory. In the human minds, this is where the data is temporarily held until or so that it may be used, discarded or transferred to the long term memory.
In computer information is stored in a hard disk which is equivalent to the long term memory. This is where we keep information that is not currently used. Information stored in the long term memory maybe kept for an indefinite period of time..
When a compute processes data, information is displayed on the monitor, computer screen or the printout, in human the result of information processing is exhibited through behavior or actions-facial expression, a reply to a question or body movement. syntax and semantis of information processing is useful as it aids computer search engines to index searh results for easy accessibility of information to researchers and information seekers.

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