What is hyperactivity in children and how does it manifest itself?

in #edu-venezuela5 years ago
Hi, I’m @roseri, welcome to my blog: #maternidadwithpurpose

Children who are too agile, unable to focus their attention, in medicine, are known by the term ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). However, the problem is that this syndrome is often used as a label to characterize active and uncomfortable children.


It is dangerous to ignore this diagnosis; Such children need a special approach and behavior correction. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the world, not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

What is hyperactivity in children and how does it manifest itself?

An overactive child is excessively mobile, picky and prevents him and others from concentrating. Very often, hyperactivity goes hand in hand with attention deficit disorder (inability to maintain attention).


ADHD is not a disease, but a behavioral characteristic that requires the observation of a neurologist and psychologist. This does not affect the mental abilities of the child. They may even be above average, but difficulties with the ability to control attention, emotions and fussy movements prevent children with ADHD from showing all their skills and talents.

ADHD may be different. In some children, lack of attention may predominate, in others, hyperactivity, but often these two symptoms are parallel to each other.

The symptoms of hyperactivity can be detected at an early age, but the final diagnosis is made in 5-6 years. This is due to the fact that the restlessness, the lack of will to obey the rules, the rapid change of attention, all this is a natural behavior for young children.

What are the signs of hyperactivity and attention deficit in a child?


  • Constant activity, unsystematic movements (for example, shake hands, swing in a chair). Often, the child's movements are destructive: he ran and crashed, climbed into the closet, broke something. Although this can happen to any child, ADHD becomes the norm.
  • The child does not understand what situation can be dangerous for him and others. For example, he runs off the road, although he was interviewed repeatedly about traffic regulations. These children do not know how to assess the risks, so without fear they crawl to where the common child is afraid.
  • Hyperactive children love to talk. But in a conversation with them, it is clear that the child speaks nonsense, jumps from one subject to another, talks about everything he sees. They are also very poor listeners.
  • These children are not able to obey the requirements and rules, even during the game.
  • An overactive child gets bored quickly. He strives for new impressions all the time. It is impossible to catch playing a game for a long time.
  • Emotional intelligence is poorly developed, it is difficult for them to make friends and make friends.
  • It is also difficult for hyperactive children to listen to the teacher or educator and meet their requirements. During classes they cannot sit quietly, get restless and often interfere with others.
  • Prone to aggressive behavior, temper tantrums and temper.
  • They mishandle the flow of information, they cannot identify the important and focus on it.
  • Hyperactive children can be described with the words "First I did it, then I thought". The child cannot analyze the situation, which means that he cannot avoid a reckless act. If he was accidentally pushed, he, without hesitation, returns. In addition to monitoring the baby, an ADHD test can help.

Hyperactive children are often called "difficult," "uncontrollable," which requires eye and eye. The problems persecute them, which exhausts the parents a lot. Unfortunately, incorrect tactics about raising children with ADHD only make the situation worse.

Many parents worry about the question: who is to blame? Scientists have not yet agreed what specifically causes hyperactivity and attention deficit. But there are certain risk factors.

What can cause hyperactivity?


  • ADHD is often inherited;
  • problems during pregnancy: pelvic presentation, hypoxia, asphyxiation, prematurity, premature delivery;
  • smoking during pregnancy.

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