Stuttering in children. How to get rid of a problem?

in #edu-venezuela5 years ago
Hi, I’m @roseri, welcome to my blog: #maternidadwithpurpose

Stuttering in children 3 years of age and older is a family problem for many parents. Yes, and the child himself, as he grows, stuttering brings many unpleasant moments. Learning, the child's socialization suffers, his self-esteem decreases and, in especially severe cases, it is possible to develop a strong inferiority complex that will remain throughout life.


Therefore, this problem cannot be ignored in any case. Unfortunately, most of the time parents do not even try to find the reason for stuttering in children, not to mention the treatment itself, mistakenly believing that everything will disappear on its own. Although, to be fair, it should be borne in mind that the exact causes of stuttering have not yet been identified even by speech therapists.

Stuttering treatment in a baby should be comprehensive and only a speech therapist can prescribe it. And the sooner the treatment starts, the more successful it will be. Therefore, try to seek the help of a speech therapist as soon as possible. Any delay in this case will play against your child.

As a general rule, modern treatment methods in most cases can save a child even from severe stuttering. However, the successful outcome of the treatment depends largely on the correct behavior of the parents. They must strictly observe a series of rules and recommendations of a speech therapist.

Speaking of which, about a speech therapist. For a successful treatment of stuttering of children, parents will have to work closely with a speech therapist for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right specialist. In fact, in the event that you cannot establish contact with a speech therapist and cannot fully trust him, you can hardly talk about a successful treatment, no matter how high the doctor is.

As a rule, a stuttering child is extremely mobile and easily excitable. Therefore, parents should strictly organize the children's day regime and monitor their strict observance:


  • Should sleep
    Special attention should be paid to the child's sleep. A child under 7 must sleep at least 11 hours at night. Daytime sleep is simply vital: during lunch, the child should sleep at least 2 hours. The daytime sleep of a baby positively affects the state of the child's nervous system.

  • Games for children
    Of course, cartoons are the most popular hobby of modern children. However, make sure that the child does not spend too much time in front of the TV, as this causes excessive nervous excitement. This means that stuttering will become much stronger. Do not forget that there are so many useful educational games.

  • Walks
    In no case is it unacceptable to ignore walking: for a child's body, fresh air is simply necessary. Walk with your child for at least two hours a day, of course, if weather conditions allow.

Baby speech control


In speech therapy sessions, the doctor exercises control over the child's speech. But the doctor can not be next to the child throughout the day, so the rest of the time it is the parents who must control the child's speech. Did you notice that the child said a word or phrase while stuttering? Do not comment on the child, much less laugh at him. Just finish the word instead of the baby, without focusing on it.

In especially severe cases of stuttering of children, speech therapists often recommend the so-called mode of silence. The child can only speak in the classroom, under the supervision of a speech therapist. The rest of the time, the child should try to remain silent. A child can only speak in an emergency and only in a whisper.

This requirement of speech therapists is explained very simply: with the help of stuttering, it is possible to suppress the child's reflex to stuttering. During speech therapy sessions, the child's speech is correct and without hesitation. The rest of the time, the child will be silent, which means that on a subconscious level, a reflex directed to correct speech will develop. As a general rule, such treatment lasts from several months to a year.

Of course, it is very difficult for a child of 3 to 4 years to explain this need. However, parents will have to show a remarkable imagination, because the success of the treatment depends on this. If you simply prohibit the child from speaking, this can negatively affect his psyche. So turn silence into a fun game.

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