Brushing teeth: how I teach my child to do it well.

in #edu-venezuela5 years ago
Hi, I’m @roseri, welcome to my blog: #maternidadwithpurpose

Unfortunately, even adults don't always know how to brush their teeth.

So, let's remember how to brush your teeth correctly. If it is front or side, then the brush is at a slight angle (somewhere at 45 degrees). The movements themselves are smooth, progressive, from the gum to the edge, as if you were cleaning the dirt from the surface. In no case make round movements, as it can introduce some dirt into the gums. And do not press hard on the brush. If it is exceeded, the baby may start to feel toothache or a piece of enamel will break.


You can also show the child a cartoon in which a fairytale character will talk about the importance of brushing teeth and caring for your oral cavity. In addition, in a playful way, it will show what the child should do so that he does not have caries problems.

Another option to teach your baby to take care of his teeth is to take him to a pediatric dentist. There you will be offered to perform this procedure, then a special device will be applied to the enamel. The monitor will show if everything was cleaned correctly. Seeing microbes with their own eyes, children may no longer want to neglect basic hygiene rules. But such a step should be taken only when your child understands and realizes everything. And this is when he is at least 6-7 years old.

Brushing time


How many times a day and for how long do you need to brush your teeth so that they are snow white, healthy and beautiful? Both a one year old child and an adult should spend 2-3 minutes a day in the morning and at night. If your baby gets bored quickly, you should come up with some kind of fun game to distract his attention. If you wish, you can organize a competition about who is better at this task.

Remember that shouting and punishing him in this case will not help. We do not seek to convert the basic rules of hygiene into a hated occupation that we would like to avoid.

To keep your teeth healthy

You surely want your baby to have a snow-white smile. But how to achieve this? Believe me, brushing your teeth alone will not be enough. There are many other factors that affect the gums and enamel. Therefore, you should do everything possible to avoid some dental diseases.

Visit the dentist regularly.


Baby teeth are more prone to decay, so you and your baby should go to the clinic at least once a quarter. Of course, for the first time, the baby will resist, act and scream. But if you explain affectionately that they will not do anything wrong, he will calm down.

There are many different opinions about when to visit a doctor for the first time. Ideally, as soon as the teeth began to erupt.

Also, if something happened to your child's teeth (a piece fell, a whole one fell and the enamel broke), go immediately to the dentist. It is not necessary to wait for the right moment; It may never come. And a splinter will constantly damage the cheek or gum, causing pain.

Proper nutrition


An important role in this case is played by what feeds your baby. Since childhood, try to accustom it to useful products. Give vegetables, fruits, cereals in milk. But sweets, butter and flour should be avoided. Sweet is the biggest enemy of teeth. It is better to replace chocolates and bars with dried fruits, honey, jam. And do not forget to remind the baby that after each meal you should rinse your mouth.

Remember, the sooner you start teaching your baby the basic rules of hygiene, the greater the likelihood of continuing to comply with them.

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