Tips to avoid overprotecting children

in #edu-venezuela6 years ago (edited)

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Accepting that children grow up and that they should look for their own direction in life is not an easy task. Some parents tend to protect children with an aptitude that, instead of benefiting them, ends up damaging them.

Children can not be the center of attention for parents during the day, children must face problems, face boredom, try to handle situations.

Allowing children to do things for themselves does not mean neglecting the responsibilities of fatherhood or motherhood, that is, attention, food, security, medical care, everything that implies being a father. It means educating in responsibility so that children learn to have autonomy and to solve problems on their own.

Why do parents always see a line of danger and feel the need to overprotect?

Resultado de imagen para padres sobreprotectores

This can happen because parents often ask:

  • When the child can do things on their own?
  • From what age can I leave him alone?
  • From what age does the child do things, without the need to be present the adult?
There are three (03) important parameters:

  • The age of children. A child, for example, of five years (05) can not go alone in the street.
  • The maturity. There are children who, for example, with ten (10) years, can do things by themselves, and others who, due to their level of maturity or because they are not educated in autonomy, do not know how to solve them correctly. Each child has its development process.
  • The consequences. The consequences of things, of having to do them on their own.
These three parameters are what determine whether children are allowed to have autonomy. If we protect continuously, we avoid the dangers and being on top of them, the child does not learn to naturally resolve typical situations.

Do children have the ability to face situations?

Resultado de imagen para padres sobreprotectores

Children have the ability or should develop it. It has the capacity in a lot of power, but if the adult is all day covering those needs without giving them time to discover them, they will not have autonomy.

Why do adults overprotect children?

There are two (02) main reasons:

Because of fear. This fear is due to feeling that something can happen to the child, and even some parents think that others give a lot of free rein and that they are irresponsible. When a child is prevented from being endangered, they are prevented from facing that fear.

To spare them suffering. Children should be allowed to experience that feeling for being part of life, in this way children learn what is right. Learning the consequences of acts is an effective method.

Consequences of overprotection

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  • If the consequences of their actions are eliminated from the child, irresponsibility is generated.
  • Lack of autonomy Being always doing things to the child will not allow him to generate autonomy.
  • Overprotection can nullify creativity.
  • Tyrannical behavior is generated in the child.
A person who does not have skills to solve situations is seen in inferiority within a group in which others do.

When we overprotect, what we do is educate in weak personalities, having the perception that everything is dangerous.

Typical behaviors of overprotection in parents

  • They do not allow children to sleep in a friend's house.
  • They are not allowed to take a bus.
  • Do not let them camp.
  • They are not allowed to do the daily chores of the home.
Children should explore and learn to make mistakes to encourage autonomy.

How do we educate in responsibility and autonomy?

Resultado de imagen para padres sobreprotectores

  • Tell the child what to do, but without the parent or representative.
  • The child must be left to assume the consequences of not fulfilling his / her duties.
  • Let the child make mistakes, think, get bored and solve.
  • You must let the child defend himself and not always solve things because they are his parents.
  • You always have to give them security, telling them that he is capable and, above all, that he supports him in mistakes.
Parents and representatives must have a coeducation, because children have many things to teach.

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Children can not be blocked from their creative capacity because it is a form of learning, to develop in a world in which, in the future, surely parents will not be by their side.

Greetings to educators and motivators of education.



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