Let's teach children the value of friendship

in #edu-venezuela6 years ago (edited)

Friendship and the influence that friends have on people is related to a scale of values, and that is that with whom we are surrounded, they generally have the same scale of similar values, the same hobbies, behave similarly, so They are in a relationship. People join a group with which they feel identified.

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Friends teach us to socialize, give us lessons in humanity, where we learn to win, lose, respect rules and share.

Friends are infallible affective mattresses, friendship is a construction and it does not come by osmosis, it is to which time is dedicated, where we must be generous and even tolerant.

Not having friends is not knowing what to give, nor knowing what to receive from another person. Friendship is a value that must be linked to life and is a job that does not come alone, it means giving it time, being generous. It is essential to remember that a value is important, and in this way it is instilled in children.

Just as learning is important in the academic aspect of children, it is also important to acquire the reasoning of values such as friendship, which makes it possible to be better people, so that educators have a duty to promote this value from childhood. What allows friendship to be always present and manifested in good intentions.

Ways to manage friendship and teamwork

  • It is necessary to make a distribution of roles. Many times tend to give more responsibility to those who are more effective, involve more, and this is because they know they can solve alone, leading to an overload, but each student must learn and want to participate so that the friendship is consolidated .
  • Respect. Teach that not everyone thinks the same, that everyone should do their part, with their responsibility. The basis is to foster cohesion and respect so that everyone can understand each other, reaching the most important thing, which is nothing other than friendship and the objective of the group.

How do we unite friendship between children?

Teaching children, for example:

  • What is the mission of friendship?
  • The vision that friendship has.
  • The goal of friendship.
  • With what kind of values that friendship is reached.
This cohesion can be worked from a simple word game applied within the classroom.

The teacher suggests that they will make a soccer team and each child should say aloud that he will contribute to the team as a friend and as a player.

Example of expressions for children to understand the message:

  • I offer speed.
  • Constancy.
  • Dedication.
  • Concentration.
When you know what each child can offer, you can request reciprocity, it is like an exchange that always favors. This is how cohesion works, and how we are visualizing it:
  • You have a goal.
  • The values that are going to be achieved.
  • What each child offers the group.
  • What can be received.
It should be noted that it is very difficult for people to get to know each other, but a sports group generates coincidences and there is time to share.

How do we teach children to avoid bad friendship influences?

Our duty is to teach children to be attentive, to be known by others, without losing track and their real essence, just because they want to feel integrated and understood.

It is important to talk to them and warn them that friends are never those that involve the following:

  • They invite to consume substances.
  • When they are led not to study.
  • When those friends want you to put aside obligations.
  • When you move away from the scale and the coherent values.

How children can relate and learn the value of friendship

The game of joining words. It can be done by the same teacher, creating images and letters. The teacher or representative asks the children questions through the images they have and the children say the answer with the letters, but working as a team. That's where we see how they relate to their peers, what role or what place they occupy within them. Evidence if they are: submissive, if they are allowed to lead by the group, this allows confidence and security to work.

Resultado de imagen para juego de mesa para niños rima palabras

Children learn to define themselves and express themselves, depending on the group in which they are integrated. When the group is valued, they feel more confident.

The game of jumping, with music. It is about relating to each other through music, the teacher asks them to put themselves in a circle and then integrate with the music. When the teacher says "jump with my neighbor", they make friends with another child, they must quickly find a partner and jump without stopping.

Resultado de imagen para niños en rueda brincando

Children have fun, they relate, they know each other, they make friends, they see different things in their peers with whom they had no relationship before, and this game allows them to link.

Resultado de la imagen para separador de texto de venesuela

When children do not have friends they have a self-esteem deficit, and that is what has to be avoided. Sowing friendship should be done at all times.

Greetings educators and motivators of education.




Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://cindycam.vornix.blog/2018/11/05/lets-teach-children-the-value-of-friendship/

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