A simple Solution to stop Flag Wars 4 Ever! - Read 'n learn the secrets to the power of Zero!

in #editor8 years ago (edited)

Grow UP - There's No Need to Flag for personal Reasons!

There should B a mute button, for content u don't like in the top right corner.

Others might enjoy what U dislike, so don't keep em from getting to IT!

fahmiauliasfr 6:40 PM
Please help me

technocomanche 10:31 PM
Message removed

technocomanche 10:31 PM
Message removed

technocomanche 11:40 PM
Message removed
Message removed
Message removed

pfunk 11:55 PM
@technocomanche wrong channel

technocomanche 11:55 PM
why? just wanted to notice about Fubar abusing his flags...
Message removed

Running round like crazy flagging the hell out of me and destroying my rep....

Can U tell me which is the correct channel then? @pfunk

technocomanche 12:27 AM
Nevermind 😉
Always better to take care of Ur own stuff... 😉

walden 6:06 AM
@technocomanche EASY BOY

technocomanche 7:22 AM
Hey @walden! 😉 Long time no C! So Here U R! 😉

technocomanche 7:46 AM
so anyone in charge in here?

technocomanche 7:48 AM
File Uploaded: Someone-really-doesn't-like-me.jpg

technocomanche 7:49 AM
obviously there's something personal going on

walden 8:38 AM
nothing personal
now cut the bullshit
@technocomanche how can I help you?
remember to cut the bullshit
little by little
@technocomanche whats the problem, your buttplug came out?

technocomanche 8:46 AM
MayB the Problem is That I haven't even got one 😉

walden 8:46 AM
alexanova can help yopu

technocomanche 8:47 AM
Ever told U that I love U @walden 😉

walden 8:47 AM
@technocomanche tell the viking to unbannme
I know

technocomanche 8:48 AM
fuck Kjetil, he's gone MegaLowManiac 😉 believes the whole planets gonna xplode sooner or later, and behaves like some God 😉

walden 8:49 AM
I thought so
I like the viking though}
he ges wild but he is no bad guy
I just love him when he drinks
in vino veritas

technocomanche 8:51 AM
people are far more easy to b loved when drunk 😉

walden 8:52 AM
well hes 6 feet
I have a glock though

technocomanche 8:52 AM
Seems the best firearms still come from my homeland 😉

walden 8:53 AM

technocomanche 8:53 AM
Not me! 😉

walden 8:54 AM
yes I like scanbdinavian and german weapons

technocomanche 8:54 AM
I believe in words

walden 8:55 AM

technocomanche 8:55 AM
He said U stole from him

walden 8:55 AM
suck my thumb...

technocomanche 8:55 AM
I'm sure U didn't

walden 8:56 AM
I dont steal

technocomanche 8:56 AM
For Ur entertainment value U brought to the platform, you should at least b able to pay Ur rent and food...

walden 8:56 AM
I fuck people up

technocomanche 8:56 AM
And Ur pretty good @IT

walden 8:57 AM
I agree}
it was just the key

technocomanche 8:58 AM
What's IT ur up to now? Already got Ur #basicincome provided from Ur steemit. activities?

walden 8:58 AM
he gave me some stupid key

technocomanche 8:58 AM
still active?

walden 8:58 AM
the blacklist key

technocomanche 8:59 AM
Am I on that list?

walden 8:59 AM
no its not active
no idea
I dnt give a fuck
the thing is this

technocomanche 9:00 AM
Me neither... as long as my rep. is 1 and even if it's lower 😉

walden 9:00 AM
ct flagged bernie
with that

technocomanche 9:00 AM
ct? with what?

walden 9:01 AM
and bernie is a good guy
thge viking

technocomanche 9:01 AM

walden 9:02 AM
Im not sure how you fucking spell that fucking name
I call him chet

technocomanche 9:02 AM
I don't know much about bernie, just that it was by his power my rep. went to 0 two times by now... Kjetil

walden 9:03 AM
dont fuck with the bernie
hes like me
but a whale

technocomanche 9:03 AM
I never did, guess he has some 'friends' that are betraying him...

walden 9:04 AM
who are you?

technocomanche 9:04 AM
WhoEver!, technocomanche, or Just Mario 😉

walden 9:05 AM
marius19 too?

technocomanche 9:05 AM

walden 9:05 AM
you are just a pure bred troll?

technocomanche 9:05 AM
just got one account on steemit, sometimes write on @social which is flagged to oblivion too 😉

walden 9:06 AM
you just told me 2

technocomanche 9:06 AM
I like trolls! 😉

walden 9:06 AM
you cant beat me

technocomanche 9:06 AM
told u 2 what?

walden 9:06 AM
and you know it

rocket.cat 9:07 AM Only you can see this message
Notify all in this room is not allowed

technocomanche 9:07 AM
I don't want to beat U @all 😉

walden 9:07 AM
you are friends with chet
get me unbanned

technocomanche 9:08 AM
what is not allowed? @rocket.cat

walden 9:08 AM
rocket is a bot man

rocket.cat 9:08 AM
Marnin', walden

technocomanche 9:08 AM
I like bots too! 😉

walden 9:09 AM

technocomanche 9:09 AM
Sometimes I'm not completely sure wheter I'm a bot or not too 😉

walden 9:09 AM
talk to your boss
you are a bot too

technocomanche 9:09 AM
Meez got no boss...

walden 9:09 AM
but cute
ok, to your not boss

technocomanche 9:10 AM
U got a boss?

walden 9:10 AM
your mom

technocomanche 9:11 AM
Who is IT?

walden 9:11 AM
shes my boss

technocomanche 9:11 AM
My mum?

walden 9:11 AM
shes hot

technocomanche 9:11 AM
But Ur right, I should talk to her more often 😉

walden 9:11 AM
her moer?
your mom?

technocomanche 9:12 AM

walden 9:12 AM
I suddenly remember her is like she
in german

technocomanche 9:12 AM
Why did they ban U on steemspeak?
No, in Fohnsdorf 😉

walden 9:13 AM
you know,,,

technocomanche 9:13 AM
no, I wasn't there when it happened

walden 9:13 AM
well chet just got pist
and bitchy
he fucked bernie up
I fucked him up

technocomanche 9:14 AM
told him, just bcause he got bullied as a kid, doesn't mean he has to do it with others for a lifetime and revenge sucks? 😉

walden 9:14 AM
and he got pist

technocomanche 9:14 AM
could U ask bernie to remove the flags from my posts?

walden 9:15 AM

technocomanche 9:15 AM
why not?

walden 9:15 AM
bernie is a very particular individual

technocomanche 9:15 AM
mee too! 😉

walden 9:15 AM
maybe I would tomorrow
what did you do?

technocomanche 9:16 AM
told fubar to piss off, boycotting my endeavours

walden 9:16 AM
fubar is a tiger, my friend}
thats a nono friend

technocomanche 9:18 AM
When someone tries to fuck with me, I fucked back... noticed that doesn't help though 😉
But still people behaving like assholes gotta learn...
IT's a NONO too to mess with others businesses!
MayB Fubar is just jealous because I got such a nice fiancee 😉

I love HER! 😉

walden 9:22 AM
@technocomanche fubar is my friend
you need to apologize

technocomanche 9:23 AM
so tell him to remove his flags, mute me and everybody can go his own way in peace
He has to!

walden 9:24 AM
do you speak english?

technocomanche 9:24 AM
He started flagging, I never flag shit

walden 9:24 AM
look at my eyes
to fubar
fubar is a good guy

technocomanche 9:25 AM
I won't and if he thinks destroying reputation is a funny game, he'll see how funny IT can get!

walden 9:25 AM
you have two options
you will lose
dont play that game

technocomanche 9:26 AM
I kindly ask Fubar not to mess with my business anymore, never ever put a flag on any of my stuff again, and we're even!

walden 9:26 AM
thats not enough

technocomanche 9:27 AM

walden 9:27 AM
that doesnt soud like an apology

technocomanche 9:27 AM
he started, he's the one who can end IT
It isn't, It's a serious offer!

walden 9:27 AM
Im trying to help you techno

technocomanche 9:27 AM
Too much energy is lost in wars.

walden 9:27 AM
I agree
Fubar is a nice guy
my friend
Im sure if he fucked you up
it was for a reason

technocomanche 9:29 AM
he even flagged comments like 'Ur Welcome! 😉 Me Too ;)' I wrote to a user who thanked me for correcting his title from Prediator to Predator, which he originally meant.

walden 9:29 AM
the least you can do is apologize

technocomanche 9:29 AM
Time to reconsider his reasons

walden 9:29 AM
you can do that right?

technocomanche 9:29 AM
No Need for apologies.

walden 9:29 AM
you will lose

technocomanche 9:29 AM

walden 9:30 AM
Im trying to help you

technocomanche 9:30 AM
I'm trying to help all.
who ask for IT 😉

walden 9:30 AM
you cannot insult my fr5iends

technocomanche 9:31 AM
and I asked U.

walden 9:31 AM
its all good man

technocomanche 9:31 AM
Just Tell him to mute me, and he will never b insulted by me again. IT's sooo easy!

walden 9:31 AM
it doesnt work that way

technocomanche 9:31 AM
Sure It does.

walden 9:32 AM
no it doesnt
the way it works
is that you apologize to fubar
my friend
do it

technocomanche 9:32 AM

walden 9:32 AM
for offending him

technocomanche 9:33 AM
I am what I am! If someone feels offended, he's just gotta focus on something more pleasuring! There's so much things in the world that can give U joy.

walden 9:34 AM
that attitude is noot going to get you ANYWHERE

technocomanche 9:34 AM
We'll see.

walden 9:34 AM
we'll see?
whats your rep?

technocomanche 9:35 AM
Just muted Fubar.
1 again 😉

walden 9:35 AM
whats your rep]?

technocomanche 9:35 AM

walden 9:35 AM
they just left you at the edge of the abbiss

technocomanche 9:36 AM
magically overnight, when i went to sleep yesterday it was 0 😉

walden 9:36 AM
ONE little touch
and you are INVISIBLE

technocomanche 9:36 AM
See, someone's always taking care of U 😉

walden 9:36 AM
Im talking to you

technocomanche 9:37 AM
So I muted Fubar on steemit. Tell him, to to the same with me, and life can go on.
And he's gotta remove all his flags, no need to apologize. Noone needs enemies

walden 9:37 AM
i didnt ask you to mute himmuting is for pussies
you are a man

technocomanche 9:38 AM
If everyone would mute instead of flagging for personal reasons, life would b sooo much easier!

walden 9:38 AM
he is not gonna remove anything

technocomanche 9:38 AM
And I don't even care.

walden 9:38 AM
you apologize

you have a chance}

technocomanche 9:40 AM
I'm free from that guy's comments now, and that's what counts, just don't like his attitude, and so I'm done with him. Sure I'm not the one who will change him.

walden 9:40 AM
you are free as I need a new asshole in my elbow

technocomanche 9:40 AM
if U say so 😉 AMEN!

walden 9:41 AM
you are not free

technocomanche 9:41 AM
what's Ur time now?

walden 9:41 AM

technocomanche 9:41 AM
Nice Dreams! 😉
to U My Friend!

walden 9:42 AM
what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

technocomanche 9:42 AM
Sleeping time 4 U?

walden 9:43 AM
I dont sleep

technocomanche 9:43 AM
that's dangerous!

walden 9:43 AM

technocomanche 9:43 AM
after 3 days u get crazy!

walden 9:43 AM
thats what she said

technocomanche 9:43 AM

walden 9:43 AM

technocomanche 9:43 AM
I love U! 😉

walden 9:44 AM
and by the way its a lie
you dont get crazy unless your mind is weak

technocomanche 9:44 AM
In case u need someone to talk to, always feel free to reach out 4 me! 😉

walden 9:45 AM
its to me not for me

technocomanche 9:45 AM
4 is more than 2! double! 😉

walden 9:45 AM

technocomanche 9:45 AM

walden 9:45 AM
I like powers of 2 though

technocomanche 9:45 AM
c the difference?
I believe in the magic of 5! 😉

walden 9:46 AM
@technocomanche whats the first power of 2?

technocomanche 9:46 AM
tell me!

walden 9:46 AM

technocomanche 9:46 AM

walden 9:46 AM
Im asking

technocomanche 9:46 AM
I don't know Ur answer, so I'm asking back!

walden 9:47 AM
whats the first power of 2?

technocomanche 9:47 AM

walden 9:47 AM
2 to the 0
I got you

technocomanche 9:47 AM
could U elaborate on this a lil' more so I can get IT?

walden 9:48 AM
so 2 to the 2 is 4
what is 2 to the 0

technocomanche 9:48 AM
not sure but possible

walden 9:49 AM
its just some math trick
I fucke you in the ass
take it

technocomanche 9:49 AM
why 'to the ' instead of plus?

walden 9:49 AM
plus is a addition

technocomanche 9:50 AM
and to the is?

walden 9:50 AM
to the stands forto the power of

technocomanche 9:50 AM
what does that mean?

walden 9:50 AM
2 to the power of X

technocomanche 9:50 AM
so 6 to the 5 is?

walden 9:50 AM
who the fuck knows
use a calculator
not rocket science
6 to the 5
is 6 to the 5th power

technocomanche 9:52 AM
Now I got IT Exponentials!

walden 9:52 AM
so is it 2 to the 0th 0?

technocomanche 9:53 AM
no, 1!

walden 9:53 AM
and 2 to the 1?

technocomanche 9:53 AM

walden 9:54 AM
so everything to the 0 is 1?

technocomanche 9:54 AM

walden 9:54 AM
so every number to the power of zero is 1?

technocomanche 9:55 AM
TY! 😉

walden 9:55 AM

technocomanche 9:55 AM
even negative numbers!

walden 9:56 AM
crazy shit

technocomanche 9:56 AM
So whos got the power of 0 here?
So the power of 0 will keep me visible! Hurray! 😉

walden 9:56 AM
the power of zero is in the TAO
and in the COCK

technocomanche 9:57 AM

walden 9:57 AM
you are a fast learner

technocomanche 9:58 AM
Thank U for introducing me to the power of 0, thats in me! 😉

walden 9:58 AM
my pleasure

technocomanche 9:59 AM
🤗 😉

walden 9:59 AM

technocomanche 9:59 AM
Mind if I publish our conversation?

walden 9:59 AM
go ahead

technocomanche 9:59 AM
fine! 😉

walden 10:00 AM
I thought you guys had schools in scandinavia
but its ok
walden will do

x to the power of 0
always 1
basic shit
you are welcome
@technocomanche YOU will never forget this
good night

technocomanche 10:03 AM
Here it's morning already! 😉
Sleep well my friend and dream of the brightest future possible! 😉

I'll burn IT in the BlockChain, to never b lost again!

Source: https://steemit.chat/channel/steemitabuse-appeals


Thanx @all for upvoting!

and feel free to resteem!

When I first saw your blue twirly comment a few days ago on my post I assumed you were a bot, because it felt so impersonal, I have been tricked before lol

But I wouldn't have flagged you without knowing for sure and I really don't like seeing this type of abuse toward anyone on Steemit. If there is anything I can do to help PM me on chat.

Thank U for Ur honest critique. I just saw IT as a different kind of hello. Some saw it as a Welcome, some as a little reward for their posts, and very few got very angry about IT. And isn't a little bot in nearly everyone of us still? ;) I agree that flags shouldn't B used to just express opinions, but for what they are used elsewhere.

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