Menstruation myths

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

This is a co-creation post in which you are asked to participate, if you like.
It is about all the myths around having your period.
Which ones have you heard or experienced to be true and which ones do you think are very untrue and maybe even downright insulting. I happen to know of a few that are actually quite empowering.
So if you are interested, read on!

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I am having my period at this moment and I was just wondering wether or not it is a good time to plant my seedlings out in the garden. I know the moon cycle influences the plants and I was wondering if our menstrual cycle has some affect on that too.
I was wondering about this because we, as women are in a state of building something up when we are creating our new womb lining and especially when we are ovulating, we can be very creative and have a lot of creative energy in and around us. But when we are shedding our old lining while we menstruate we are at a stage of letting go, releasing what does not serve us anymore, maybe mourning some losses emotionally and if we can withdraw from society get in bed an walk around in rags, without make up. ( That's what I like to do :-) ) This is a beautiful and necessary stage in our cycle, physically and emotionally, but a very different energy then a building up, or constructive energy that we have at the beginning of our cycle.

Each energy serves its purpose in the right place. Like sad music is suited to a funeral and cheerful decorations of light collors and promesses for a wedding or baptism. Some things are more suited to endings then to beginnings.
But when we mix them up what will happen? Like is it a good idea to bring my energies of my ending cycle and emotional release to my vegetable garden and plant a seedling that still has to start and grow? Or maybe I could better work with the compost today because that is an area which can benefitted by the energie of endings and release. On the smelly, messy and seemingly chaotic compost pile, things are broken down AND are in the proces of being birthed into something new and fertile. And like no vegetable garden can flourish without compost, our fertility depends on us shedding our old lining each month so that our egg can nestle in to fresh lining after that.

Ou periods are times of hidden renewal, the blood that flows is a sign of our creative powers. As it has not been used to create human live in the previous month, some say it still holds a lot of shakti/ life force when it comes out of our wombs and is therefore holy. It is also said to hold living stemcells ( this has been scientifically proven) that have healing powers.
Fo me it is maybe the most pure and holy physical substance that our bodies hold as it is able to receive a spark of life and gift it with a body. Some say it is good to drink your holy blood diluted with some water as a medicine as it is said to hold the pure information of even the most original genes from our very first ancestor. I imagine the least polluted genes are in our menstrual blood, because the best of the best has to be transferred to the new life, for survival and evolution. It is also good to drink it because of the amount of life force that it contains and is said to give a lot of vitality.

If that all seems a bit too much for you you could just dab a tiny bit of it underneath your tongue as a homeopathic medicine of your own physical source of wisdom. It connects us to all ancestors and holds all their wisdom and the wisdom of creation itself. Some even call it 'the wise blood'. In those circles menstruation is seen as a holy time of purification and renewal instead of a time in which women are considered dirty.
Although, while menstruating, we are present in the releasing energy of 'death', which might not be suitable for happenings that represent life and birth, (maybe that includes cooking, canning or gardening), we are not dirty.

People have mixed these things up in their minds. As death is considered scary and negative so has menstruation become something negative. But it is a necessary part of the cycle. Without death, no birth and no life. Death is sacred. Release is necessary. To be walking around with radiant beauty with a content smile on your face, it is necessary to walk around without make- up in your most ugly, comfy pajamas a few days a month, not so sociable and if possible even a little stinky. Just wallow in it girls!

I am really excited to learn what kind of menstruation myths you have heard of and experienced to be true or untrue?
Will you please share? Where I can I shall dismantle the ones that have become distorted but have some core of truth in energy medicine.

Thanks a lot
and enjoy your sacred release during your next menstruation,
Maybe gift your blood to the garden for fertilisation of the plants.

Lots of love Undrach-Clara

P.s. this was an ecotrain post, to see who else is on the train and what holistic stuff they are on about check out @ecotrain.


Congratulations @wombloom your post had been selected for an upvote worth ~$1.50USD as part of the @ecoTrain minnow support project. Your upvote will come soon!

I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


Yay! I appreciate the support mate!

hahaha my wife called me mate for the first time ever! ho ho

I have heard a lot of stories around shame when a woman is on her cycle, been seen as unclean and dirty, but I really do not like to give those stories any energy. I love yours, it is when we are at our most powerful, it is when we can really heal ourselves. We are meant to allow ourselves to bleed into the earth, as you said it is a time of release. We are so gifted, we are bleeding to life, when we embrace our cycle and honour our bodies then we are in balance, we are connected to all life around us.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful post and for honouring us all. Here is a song for you


Thank you :-) Yes, we have to at least speak our truth, even though it may be confronting. I needed this support today, so thanks.

This is so beautiful. Thanks for this. In native circles, women arent to be in ceremony during the moon time unless it is a ceremony for mooning women. They believe the energy is too much for men and that the power would confuse them. Mooning women are to rest and dream for the community. They are served their food right after the elders and treated with honor.

Wow, They remember the true ways huh?!

Indeed. I was blessed to be a part of that beautiful circle.

Oh, that must have been so exciting! Where were you staying with native Americans if I may ask?

You can certainly ask. Most of my teachings came from a white woman who was taught by several Native people the old ways of ceremony. I was also taught by a number of native people and stayed with some for periods of time, though I never lived there, and it wasn't reservation land. It was just his farm. We also had some Navajo come to us to do Native American Church ceremony.

Oh, that sounds exciting!

Definitely a beautiful time in my life!

Oh thank you so much @wombloom for this post. I actually got so exited while reading it.
Thank you for anchoring in to matter such empowerment .

My mind expanded while reading!

I like to call my menstruation cycle, my moon cycle where I go into a imaginary tipi tent.
You probably know this but I shall recall. The native Americans used to send women to separate menstrual lodge where other women on their moon cycle would reside. It was a time of creativity where women cultivated arts, crafts & deep discussions on their nature. In some tribes, the rite of passage into womanhood was celebrated with pride & announced to the village.

As for me, I find my period a moment of twilight zone. I naturally feel I am on my own internal drug.

After reading your article, I will associate the release of my moon cycle with the full moon & my ovulation with the new moon.
Thank you for giving me this perception of the old & the new. It makes a lot of sense :)

Hi @wallpaperflower. I feel honoured that you were inspired by my post. Yes, I also feel like I am on my own internal drug when I am having my period. Moon-wise we women used to bleed during new moon and ovulate during full moon actually as the New moon is the dark period, of as you wil, twilight, and at full moon shakti/life force is at its peak, when new life can be conceived. But some women have a reversed cycle for some reason. For example they are very active and need the full moon shakti/life force energy to keep on going while they have their period.

Thanks so much for your reply @wombloom :) soul good to know about these cycles . My next cycle is in 10 days so in flow with new moon which is on 13/06 in Europe. Now that you have shared this wisdom, I will definitely be in tune with it. Thanks so much & look forward to sharing more with you. LOVE

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