Manifestation of a Dream & Destiny

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


This is a sketch of our homestead by our friend and artist Melissa Bruglemans of Touch of Paint She drew it when visiting last year. Inside this picture I am sitting at my rickety desk, typing away so that I can share our story about our life and dreams. Writing this and remembering it has me overflowing with gratitude.

Can we manifest our dreams? Yes, I know we can.

We are continuously manifesting aspects of our lives through our thoughts and feelings. Whatever we focus on shapes and influences our reality.

When I look back I can see my dream unfolding through the years. There were times that I thought I was stuck but I can now see how that played a part in helping me reach what I was destined for.

Dreams reveal our inner, most precious desires. We can use them to guide ourselves to the place that we want to be within our lives. Dreams are a perfect tool for our manifestations because there is a flowing current within our Universe. When we trust in it and flow in its guided direction, we get to where we want to be with greater ease. source

Hanging our dreams over the bed

I've been carrying this next picture with me for a long time. Along the way it became a tailsman of sorts.

Its a flea market find with no artist name. I was drawn to it quite strongly the very moment I laid eyes on this wooden piece. For some reason it conveyed the feelings behind the dream I'd been carrying in my heart for much of my life.


As a kid my dad told me stories about his Aunt Bertha who lived in the Yorkshire Dales.

The images of this little stone cottage where you had to stoop down to enter the door, the hearth, the dried herbs, the garden and chickens filled my mind. I wanted all of that.

Stories of my grandmother who was a self taught urban homesteader only fuelled this fire further. And of course my Great Uncle Keith another homesteader in his own right taught me about the realities of food when I was just a little girl. It was quite the thing to be playing with bunnies one minute and to be served one of them for a meal the next. He still chuckles about this. He is proud to have us following in his footsteps.

All of this fuelled my dream. I wanted to experience this kind of life.


I was quite angry and hurt for a while because when I shared my dream I received such negative feedback.

I was told it was impractical and that I should focus on working for the territorial government because they get a good pension.

I would be a good secretary they said. Friends thought it was unrealistic too. There was so much cynicism directed at me that I closed myself off and kept the dream to myself.

These yearnings deep inside of us are a calling and yet, a lot of people push them away and relegate them to a natural state of sleeping and nothing more. This is not surprising when the response is often so negative. Why do others throw up so much resistance when someone tries to fall out of line and reach for their dreams? It is such a curious part of human nature.

I sometimes wonder if the society we live in and its superficial distractions are put there to test humanity. I think that we are supposed to see the truth and resist the herd mentality and instead claw our way out of that murky veil so that we can be more. Feel more. Know more. See more. I think a lot of people are failing this test and that is why they hold others back from chasing their destiny.

When we do what others expect or demand of us, rather than following the path we feel we are destined for, it is incredibly stifling. We can get so busy living and doing what needs to be done that we lose sight of our dreams. They become something unattainable and unrealistic rather than our destiny. It is hard to be happy when you are pretending to fit into a situation where you clearly do not belong. Maybe this is why there is so much unhappiness. No amount of cars, clothes or big homes and empty promises can fill that void.

Dreams are like stars you may never touch them but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny

~ dalai lama

It took a long time for my dream to manifest. But it did.

years passed but I held onto my dream. I honestly had doubt at times that I would ever get to live my dream fully but I wanted it so much that I held on. My husband shared this dream and that's when everything started to accelerate. We would lie side by side talking about all the things we were going to do someday.

We ignored the scepticism and held tight to these dreams. We took up interests that aligned with homesteading and each activity seemed to guide us deeper into knowing our destiny. We just kept calling out to the universe in our every day actions and the universe responded back.

My husband made a single decision that was the catalyst for getting us to take that final leap. Something triggered an intense response in him and after agonizing over these emotions everything became clear to him all at once. He went from believing to knowing. This was such an important moment in our lives. I am grateful to be living how I know we were destined to live.

Dreams can reveal a lot about who we are. If we listen and open ourselves up we can discover our destiny. It takes patience, intuition and an open and receptive mind but the process itself is an important part of the journey.

Be well,


[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

You can also find me at: | Facebook

Photo copyright: @walkerland



I love the spiral of creation I pick up on in your story. What is meant for us does keep being a point on the spiral we return to again and again, each time one rung closer to the center.

I myself seem to be involved in the same process, though I can't say that was my conscious dream. Now that it is unfolding though, I see that it was a dream hidden within another dream, one my conscious mind could more easily embrace given my preconceived ideas.

wow @indigoocean I am completely mesmerized by everything you said here - you have such a beautiful way of putting things. I truly happy for you. It is amazing to read stories about others who are also working on manifesting their dreams. I've been following your story and you certainly do dream big!

A very insightful post. Glad you held on to your dream.

And I love your wooden picture. I have a similar one that's an old family piece. I love wood inlay pictures!

Wood inlay pictures crop July 2018.jpg

Very lovely artwork! Thank you for sharing. :)

Love your honesty in this post. We all have dreams and many of us are poo-pooed as being dreamers. There is nothing wrong with dreaming and then working towards them. I am happy that you are now living that dream. Homesteading provides a wholesome life...

Thank you so much @cecicastor. I do agree that for us, this is a very wholesome and rich life.

Beats Urban living hands down!

I couldn't got back to that urban life If I wanted to. They'd kick me out. I'd be spreading wild flower seeds all over everyone's lawns and hiding roosters in peoples sheds just for kicks. :)

LMAO! So true! My lawn would be full of herbs, wildflowers and of course the dreaded dandelion!

Reading this post made me so happy! Happy for you two, happy for dreams being manifested, and happy for the life you're co-creating.

This story is so common, although you're sharing the best possible outcome where the characters stay true to their dream and hold onto the vision. All too many folks end up giving up for the good pension like you mentioned or being bogged down by all the work. It's not like any story is ever over, or that "happily ever after" exists, but it's the epic journey toward dreams that makes life so rich.

Its great to be hearing from you on this level and give you big respect for staying true to yourself and committing to manifesting the dream. This is an inspiring and hopeful story for us ALL. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for this feedback Ini, It means a lot to me.

I agree with everything you shared. You are so right! The journey itself is key. There is no happily ever after, just new chapters to be revealed to us along our journey. This post could have been more polished - I missed some important points.

I told my husband recently that I need to start writing more about what is in my heart. It is in my nature to censor myself. If what I've written might be perceived as eccentric or strange I often stick it a box. I'd like to change that. Wren deserves a big thank you in encouraging me to open up. She is an incredibly beautiful soul.

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