
It may surprise you that white chicks can cook Indian and Asian food REALLY WELL.... LOL... Yup. Enjoy cooking and it's not hard once you have a personal Indian spice assistant like @eco-alex :) even tho he's a white boy too. LOL...

im not white, im an indian with white blood ;_

hehehe... yes. I know, dear. Just couldn't help tease you a little. Apply coffee. x

Indian with white blood, does it mean your ancestors are from India but you originated in US? maybe

it means so many past lives ive been indian .. but my ancestors are mainly Israel and parts or europe.. and i am british by birth!

ooo that's a very different way of thinking about past lives, like the way you think :)

hehehe I like your response here.
True that you just have to be passionate enough :P :)

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