What is Natural?

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)


I strive to live a mostly natural life. It's not always the easiest way to live, being bombarded with so much stuff that is been promoted as being more convenient, that in reality makes us step further and further away from what comes naturally.

It is natural to want to protect our homes, to want to protect our families and it seems that that is exactly what the media uses to start us down this spiral of detachment from the natural world, from our natural selves. Our home is this planet so protecting it should be paramount in what we wish to achieve today, but instead we see our homes as being only the structures that we live in, walls, that contain us, that separate us.

Homes that are no longer made of natural materials but from toxic man made materials that are slowly poisoning our real home, the home that keeps us alive.

Image Source: https://hutchinsonbear.com

I am trying to raise my children in a very natural, intuitive way. I am not a fan of vaccinations, I choose not to give them to my children, our bodies have the amazing ability to heal itself as long as we do not interfere and allow our immune systems to mature naturally, in order to do that it needs to be challenged. If we interfere with it too early we stop any natural immunity from happening. I also understand that if my children were very sick and there was no alternative but modern medicine I would accept that.


Image Source: http://visionlaunch.com

But I feel strongly that we are being told alot of bull by the media,by governments, in order to sign our children up for a life long dependant relationship with the medical world and more importantly the pharmaceutical companies. A relationship that is all about money.

Natural treatments, herbal, homeopathy ( to name but two) treat the whole instead of just the symptom. Modern medicine is all about treating the symptom, not the cause and in doing so creates more symptoms, leading to more treatment. A cycle of interventions, a cycle of medication. Leading us down a path of continuous dependency on that treatment.

We no longer listen to our own bodies, instead ignoring pains and twinges, pushing them aside, letting things build up until we are in very real pain that we cannot ignore. We should not allow ourselves to get to this point. But for some the art of listening to our bodies has been forgotten.

If every night when we lay down to go to sleep, we could consciously become aware of our bodies, take the time to focus on each part, to see if there is any discomfort any pain, to breathe in healing and breathe out pain/discomfort. To listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us. To not be so dependant on others to tell us if we are sick, to stop handing over our power to others. We need to take back responsibility for our own bodies, for how can we truly wish to heal the earth if we do not learn to heal ourselves. If we do not care about healing ourselves.

Today I read a post by a fellow steemian, which discussed how the American Academy of Paediatrics had published an article saying how breastfeeding is not natural and leads to mothers not vaccinating their kids. I strongly suggest you read this great post by @sue-price, https://steemit.com/health/@sue-price/think-breast-feeding-is-natural-think-again.

Image source: http://www.breastfeedingplace.com

This is another tactic used to lead us or more importantly our children, down a path of dependency on medical professions. To lead us away from what is natural. It is natural to breastfeed your children, it is not always easy and for some it does not work out, but we cannot deny that it is natural. But here for all to see is what the medical profession are trying to push on to us, that it is not.

On top of that I read an article a while ago, about how Midwives in the United Kingdom are being told to end their campaign to promote normal/natural birth.
Unfortunately it is now more unusual for a women to birth naturally. Birthing in hospital after a number of different interventions is now the norm. This is a subject I have covered already, in a number of other posts, so I will not go into details.

So where does this lead us?

To an age of unnatural living?

To a confused state of being?

Maybe, but it is also the age of Awareness, of Education, of Global communities.

Now is the time to be informed, to stay informed and to be proactive.

It is the time to keep singing that same old song until everyone hears it.

It is the time for people to come together and stand together

I am part of the #ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.




Important info here. I especially like “We no longer listen to our own bodies, instead ignoring pains and twinges, pushing them aside,”in our modern world it’s all to easy ignore our feeling be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. to “go with the flow” of culture, but ultimately it leads us away from our natural state of being which is strong, healthy and happy. Let’s not forget about natural moment too.

Thanks for bringing awareness and good vibes.

Thanks you two, much love xx

yeah i'm with you on this xx

I couldn't agree more! And I will be heading to those other articles you mentioned as well. How can the medical field possibly deny birth or breastfeedibg as natural? The thought is comepletely ludacris!

I originally had planned a homebirth with midwives but was transferred to ab OB because twins were out of their scope of practice. I insisted on a natural, unmedicated birth in the hospital. We were bullied by ananaesthetist, and fired a nurse. I did end up taking blood pressure medication because of a stroke risk but otherwise had an unmedicated birth. We signed several waivers declining procedures for our children and almost checked out against medical advice. I really should share my birth story one day.

Breast feeding has been a huge challenge for us. We have work through tounge ties, bad latches, low supply, blebs, and clogged ducts but I keep perservering because I know how beneficial breastmilk is for my babies. I could probably write a novel!

Anyway, thanks for sharing. -Aimee

you should definitely share your birth story, I would live to hear it and hats off to you with breastfeeding, it can be tough. I've breastfed all mine, still doing it with my youngest. Thanks so much for your support Aimee xx and yes you should write a book xx

I feel as though I need to gather more information on homeopathy and herbalism; how they work and what's available. I am wondering if you can share any references for me. -A

For homeopathy I would recommend getting books by Miranda Castro, she has an amazing mother and baby book and then The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, these are great.
I'm a big fan of Susan Weed for herbal medicine, she has done some really good books for women on the different stages we have in life and then there is Matthew Wood and
The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants and Herbal Healing for women by Rosemary Gladstar. There are so many, a reference book for medicinal herbs your area is a great start because the land we live in provides so much for us, especially if you pee outside, in that way you are communicating with the land about what your body needs and you will find it growing around you. I love the spring time because there is an abundance of nettles, clevers and chickweed. As a breast feeding mum I would recommend drinking nettle tea for sure.
Let me know if I can help further xx My friend who is an awesome herbalist just joined steemit @phytosophia x

@trucklife-family: Susan Weed is that the same that calls herself SunSun Weed? I love her stuff.

oh I don't know just know her as susan x

Thank you so much! I love that the herbal medicine authors have earthy names: Weed and Wood. 😃 I never thought about communicating with the land by peeing outside but it kind makes sense; how intuitive of a concept. I will look into the nettle tea too. We have a great health food store with lots of earthy teas near by.

I will check out your friends blog right now! -Aimee

My family and I are on a similar journey, currently at the 'chocolate eating' vegan stage, taking one day at a time. We have a desire to rely more on nature rather than processed, which is not always easy especially when traveling. As a race we need to re-connect with our environment, keep earthed, in touch with water and fire for our imaginations. Some are distracted from the these elements by the mechanisms of those who seek to control us, but I do believe there is an awakening happening which gives me hope for my daughter's generation. Be happy & keep smiling my friends!

thank you @lumpa, it can be hard when you are traveling, my kids are bid lovers of fruit so that is such a staple for us and I try and do green juices regularly too. I agree there is an awakening and it's good to be part of it xx

Luckily our daughter (Ricki) is a fruit monster, it's Mum n Dad who still have old bad habits! Can I ask @trucklife-family do you fund your travels by working online? And if so how are you staying connected to the web? We're just preparing to relocate to Andalusia, but also thinking we may just go for the van option around europe, but as online English teachers we need a reliable connection for skype. Any advice please? :)

Hey we had a dongle for a while when we were travelling and then 3g, we've been in Spain a bit now, so we have internet connection here no problems. We also have one of these :http://www.alfadistribution.com/alfa-network-ubdo-gt8-802-11bg-long-range-outdoor-usb-ap-cpe-integrated-12dbi-2-4ghz-antenna/

to pick up wifi over long distance.
My partner plays music so his busking was our sole income for a while we would also do food at festivals and seasonal work as well, grapes etc. Another time we got work helping build yurts, might do a post about it. But it is amazing what comes your way when you are on the road. I say travel but thats cos I've got itchy feet to get out there again. Hope this is helpful xx

Thank you so much! @trucklife-family really helpful info. The last time we were living in a van was 2006 in Australia and getting wi-fi into the van in those days was a nightmare....I think you 'may' have just brought us closer to hitting the roads again, as a family this time x x x

your welcome, yeah hit the road x

Very true! Humans have forgotten completely what it is to be wild, in our environment... A life-time wouldn't be enough to possibly recover the wisdom, but any step done in this direction is good. Children will carry this knowledge with them!

thank you @elzheimer, that is so true

Ahhh, I could write post after post about natural birth and breastfeeding. The other day my kids and I treated ourselves for lunch at this place that had a sign that said: Breastfeeding welcome. And even though I loved that and I loved that they made it so public (and the owner was also a very nice man...that's why we went there, and the food was: fresh and made from scratch!) but on the other hand, my second thought was that it is absolutely ridiculous that they have to make a sign like that. It's almost saying that in other places it is not welcome to breastfeed... So while parents are eating, the babies can just sit there and watch. It's a world upside down...

Ýeah I keep going back to Birth, it's so important to get that message out there, our bodies know what to do! Yeah I hear you about the sign, they should not have to put that up, it should just be a given that you can breastfeed anywhere. Suddenly we need to be allowed to fed our babies/children.

I love that one, and so very true. It's like on Facebook. You can post photos of women with their boobs and butt hanging out, but if you post a breastfeeding mother, it's censored...

I love how passionate you are about living life naturally and freely and how beautifully you write on this topic every time. I wasn't again medications and vaccinations before, but the more I am learning about the truth on them, the more I feel disgusted by them. Living life naturally is so important but something hard to achieve at the same time. am slowly trying to move on that road and you are one important person who influenced me to do that. Resteeming it and adding it in my curation post.

Thank you so much that really means alot to me, I would like to help more people become aware, of how wonderful and powerful their bodies our. Every little step we make is great, you've made my day with your lovely feedback. Thank you for all the support you keep giving me xx

I read the post too about being told not to promote breadtfeeding as natural. I laughed out loud. For me, I have been surrounded by people giving birth naturally, not immunizing their kids, breastfeeding, using herbs. I can't imagine believing that 'natural' meant something unsavoury. I listen to my body, but i have been lucky enough to live within a community of people who all do too. If i had spent the last thirty years going to the doctor and watching morning television, maybe i would be more fearful about what 'natural' is.

yeah, we're pretty lucky not to be bombarded with all that advertising and outside pressures x

Yup - it feels like there is a bit of a race on between the natural and synthetic ways of living these days, with the system really stepping up to try and keep people going down the path towards an unnatural life.

However, I think we'll win as there's just too much information and awareness out there now and eventually we will end up with something amazing combining the best of natural life with clean and innovative technology.

Yeah I agree we are going to win, got to manifest the future we want x

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