Thoughts On Hitting 70 and My 2 Year Steemit Journey - Part 1 ( Cos I Got A lot To Say)

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)


They say that things come to you just when you need them, and time has shown me this over and over again.

Two years ago a friend of mine came to visit me, he had come to the community with his family to spend the winter and also to escape the pressure of CPS, who were threatening to take his daughter off him if he did not enrol her in school.

There is a huge homeschooling community here, so he came to the right place. Both him and his partner were telling me about their situation, when he mentioned the support he was getting from this amazing online platform. A platform where you could earn some currency for the content that you posted on there.

He was of course talking about Steemit and he would go on to create @familyprotection with @canadian-coconut to help other people around the world who were being terrorized by the Child Protection Services in their country.

The more he told me about this platform and the amazing support he got from the community on there, the more intrigued I became. I am all about community, about bringing people together and helping to support and heal one another.

So I was very lucky to have @markwhittam show me the ropes, when I decided I wanted to get involved and he supported me a lot in my early days on here. I wrote mostly about birth, sacred celebrations and homeschooling in those days. It felt great to be able to share my life's passion's with everyone and to connect with so many amazing people who were stretched right around the world.

The @ecotrain community, caught my eye very early on, I was so inspired by their driver @eco-alex and the content that the passengers were creating.

I emailed Alex asking him if I could become a part of their community and I was so excited when he said yes. I remember the first time, one of my posts was featured in the EcoTrain magazine, it was a proud moment and by far one of the highlights of my time on here. I knew I had connected with my tribe.

Community has always been the most important thing for me about steemit, sure it was nice when steem went to the moon. At that time it enabled me to get my girls passports and make a trip to Ireland to spend some time with my sister. But the friendships and family I have made on here have supported me and lifted me in some of my darkest hours and that is not something you could ever put a price on.

There is something magical about connecting with people from all over the world, sharing your stories, your art, your passions. Connecting with folk from so many different walks of life, I have learnt so much, I have laughed and cried and I have been and continue to be so inspired by so many of you.

Being on here, has given me this amazing opportunity to share my life and to help spread my message, a message which is all about living a more natural life and re connecting with nature , reconnecting with our natural selves. I have always loved to write, but since becoming a mother, I never made the time to do so.

Over the last 2 years I have posted almost every day, sharing my life, my knowledge and my poetry. As a result my writing has improved and I rediscovered the healing that comes with expressing yourself through words.

This came at a time in my life, where everything that I knew, was about to be thrown into disarray. But it was not just my words that helped in my process of healing, it was also the many, many supportive words that the steemit community wrote to me.

All of those words, all of that support, carried me and continues to carry me, so to all of you amazing folk that have reached out to me. Thank you x.

To be continued................



So nice to pause and share milestones.... thank you for all you contribute and share from your heart.

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What a journey its been!!! I havent seen mark for aeons! I hope hes ok now, i know he was having a hard time!

Cool how you found out about Steem. And happy 2 years on Steemit.

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Congratulation and thanks for sharing your experience!

Keep on going dear. You inspired me and hoping other to feel it too.

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Oh yes @markwhittam also got me into steemit, miss him around here!
Its been so nice to follow your words. so much wisdom! you are so definitely one of the people who makes this platform worth while, thank you!! 🍁

hey @frejafri, yeah I haven't heard from Mark in a while, thanks so much for your wonderful words and hope all is going well for you and yours, much love xx

I enjoyed reading your steel life story. I hope it will help those who are on the way to leave too, to find the spirit and inspiration they lost after the HFs back.

I resteemed and wish you a great Saturday/werkend with all those communities dear to you. 💕

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thanks so much @wakeupkitty, wishing you a great weekend too xx

I feel I have so much to say to you. It is the nature of this kind of communication that we don't always know who sees us, hears us, impacts...
Thanks for your contribution. I am in a bit of a "spot" at the moment, it impedes my contribution / ability at the moment, but just wanted to acknowledge this post, all your posts, words, sharing. Will find words soon x

ah thank you @girlbeforemirror, I hope things get better for you soon, sending you love and healing xxxxx

I remember you coming onboard via Mark. I miss his energetic presence on here and it was hard to see him struggling so much as he had to let this community go on a back burner. I dearly hope things improve and we hear from him one day again.

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Yeah I have not heard of him in a while, I hope to hear from him and his beautiful family soon, his girls are good friends with mine. xxx

I'm looking forward to read your continued post.

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