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RE: Little Changes, Big Difference: Reusable Bags

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I love this series you have started, plastic bags are a huge problem, I was shocked when I went to Morocco a few years back and the amount of plastic everywhere on the beaches all over the countryside, when you went to the markets everyone was trying to give you plastic bags, I was even offered one to put the cloth bag I was using, into. They were very happy about the convenience of plastic but had not education about how it does not break down, it was very sad. Keep up the great work mama xx


Thanks! It's the same thing here. Plastic bags are like a status or honor or something weird like that. People feel disrespected if a shop keeper doesn't give them a plastic bag even if they only have one thing that they're going to consume right away. It's like the act of throwing the bag on the ground is a sign of privilege or something. So bizarre. They're everywhere, and we're right on the ocean with loads of sea turtles. I just hate it. Anyway, most of the shop keepers here are from China, and they're pretty thrifty, so they love me for bringing my own bags. Otherwise it's a bit of an uphill battle here.

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