Our Amazing Bodies- Time to Remember

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I know I have started another post talking about how amazing our bodies are, but come on they really are and we should be talking about them much more. We should be celebrating our bodies.

I have been writing a lot about Birth recently, and ever since I started here on Steemit it has been a regular topic in my posts. Recently my daughter turned one and I chose to celebrate it by sharing her birth story, which involved me talking about how amazing a woman's body is. How many changes it goes through in order to carry and then birth a child. For me it is nothing short of magic.

I tell my children all the time that we are surrounded by magic, each day plants open up the sun, the tiniest of insects (well ants mostly) carry loads so much larger than themselves. The sun always rises and greets us even if we cannot always see it. Mushrooms keep our earth alive by their amazing network of roots or to be more precise Mycelium which move nutrients through the soil, keeping it nutrient rich. The very humble Bee, another of our life lines, pollinating so many plants and trees, keeping us feed and clothed. Nature is constantly showing us many many wonders and acts of magic.

Image Source:http://consciousnessofeconomics.com/fungi-mycelium-to-save-our-world

Of course my children want to see another type of magic, one that involves making them invisible or making them fly. But I do like to insist that the magic I talk about is much more important and more exciting, in my eyes anyhow. Magic is also something that our bodies hold, the magic to produce anti bodies to fight viruses.As my daughters are constantly asking me questions about how everything works, we talk about our bodies a lot, one thing that really interested them was all the good bacteria in their bodies that are doing a great job in keeping us healthy. Their little body warriors as we like to call them. All of this reminds me constantly of all the magic at play within us all.

Having children really helps to keep all the wonder alive in your life, I have always found it easy to see the wonder in nature, but not so much in myself. Be that as a result of my upbringing or teachings, but I never really did take much time to appreciate the body that I have. To really sit and ponder on the many amazing abilities it has. I guess in one way it was to do with poor self confidence, but also it is not something that is advocated in mainstream schools, well it sure wasn't when I went.

I stopped eating meat in my teens, because I didn't want to eat animals, it was nothing to do with the effect it had on my body, that knowledge came later. I never really got into makeup again because it's all tested on animals and I didn't really want to draw any attention to myself by wearing any. I'm very glad I made these decisions, I have stuck by them and they have made me a healthier happier person.


Image Source:http://leoniedawson.com/free-poster-colouring-page-our-amazing-bodies/

One thing I remember feeling uncomfortable about whilst growing up was my stomach. I got it into my head (thanks to the media and movie industries) that I should have a flat stomach, I know a few of you can probably relate to that, seeing as we were and still are constantly bombarded with pictures of what is considered as acceptable appearances and what is deemed as being attractive.

What is this obsession with the stomach and why are so many women and men made to feel conscious about that part of their bodies. Made to feel ashamed of their bellies, to worry in case they are too large, to hide them.

The stomach is our core, it is where we hold our strength, our power. It is the centre of our being and it should be celebrated. But when you talk about core today it's all about the core muscles, and building them up, it's all about appearances. We're still living with this obsession. But yet our inner knowing, is called our gut instinct. Because this is where we store our power, our inner wisdom.

Yet we are told to focus more on it's appearance, more on what is on the outside as obviously this is more important. Something that seems so simple to over look and push aside yet it is very damaging. All this emphasis on drawing us away from our power and instead bringing our attention to where we store it making us ashamed of it.

Image Source:https://onsizzle.com/i/never-discredit-your-gut-instinct-youre-not-being-para-your-8093311

But remember that some one who is brave and courageous is known as gutsy. Funny that!

Our creativity comes from deep within, when we sing it's really good to sing and bring your voice up from deep within, from your belly. So many people walk around not breathing to their full capacity, we really need to take our breathe from deep down inside of ourselves, to feel our belly take that breathe with us. We really need to acknowledge our core and celebrate it.

Celebrate our bellies.

I'm not asking everyone to start to get their bellies out, well I'm not saying not to either, I'm just wanting to bring our attention more to the fact that many of us don't allow ourselves to really see our bodies for what they are. We can get so side tracked by the outer appearance and forget how bloody amazing they are. I could name lots of facts, like

The total length of all the nerves in the human body is 75 kilometers.

Instead I'll give you this link to check out https://brightside.me/inspiration-health/20-amazing-scientific-facts-about-the-human-body-that-we-never-knew-139455/
That's just one of many you can find online.

So yes our bodies are amazing, it's something I needed to remind myself of lately because there has been and there continues to be a lot of sickness around me at the moment and that can really get you questioning and searching for answers that really have no answer. So to prevent me from dwelling on that, whats better than a high dose of positive writing about our amazing bodies. Because, lets face it, it is very easy to forget sometimes, that we all hold a lot of magic inside. We just need to remember.

Image Source:https://ladyfestmanc.com/2016/10/23/info-the-amazing-online-bloggers-propelling-body-positivity-forward/

I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.


Yes our bodies are amazing and we need to appreciate them more instead of just focusing on a flat stomach!

I was translating into Spanish one or another paragraph, I loved every line read, I loved the way you describe and the importance of knowing our body and breathing, because many times because of the rhythm of life we forget even to breathe.

Thank you @elmundodealicia I'm really happy you enjoyed it, we really do need to give our bodies more positive attention.

Sight and hearing are two miracles that blow my mind. None of it should be taken for granted. I appreciate your call to attention that we are made of amazing stuff! So often we fail to be awestruck and grateful for Life!

thanks @wildlocusthoney, there is so much more we could write about, I really just scratched the surface.

very wise words that all of us need to hear...over and over again, thank you!

you're very welcome @natureofbeing thank you.

Beautifully written. It's so true the emphasis put upon our bodies, it shapes and molds our outlook upon ourselves, sometimes causing insecurities that carry on for a lifetime. It's a shame people can't accept people for who they are versus what they look like.

very well said @sunlit7, thank you x

Our bodies are simply amazing! Or if you want our body is a temple and should be treated as such.

Wonderful article! I totally agree with you hun, our bodies are amazing and good as they are.

thank you Niina xx

What is this obsession with the stomach and why are so many women and men made to feel conscious about that part of their bodies. Very timely! Our daughter, age 22, said her stomach was "too big"this week for her to be seen in her spring wardrobe, and she is 108 pounds and THIN, and I am sad that she falls for cultural mandates, instead of hearing the wisdom of women like you, and aspires to look more like a Barbie doll than a real woman. Sad. Thank you for this. (If only she would listen to you!)

thank you @carolkean, It really is upsetting all the pressure put on people to look a certain way, it really does get easier as you get older, but it would be great if schools included positive body image in their education.

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