Emotions!!! What does it mean to own your emotions? #EcoTrain Question of the Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago

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Emotions are generally good or bad, sad or happy, love or hate and reflective, research or critical thinking feelings we get as a result of instincts, intuition, circumstances, modes or relationships that occur within or without us.

What does it mean to own your emotions?

To own your emotions means to be aware of these emotions, accept the emotions and take action about the emotions.
I enjoy the way @riverflows and @mountainjewel write about accepting and owning emotions and I just want to stress more on taking actions with respect to our emotions which to me is the most important aspect about owning emotions.
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First I want to say, most often we let negativity consume us and this explains why memories of sad moments persist in our lives. I think this is basically because we aware and accept these sad moments but most often do not take action to critically question, challenge or conquer these moments but rather prefer to accept and drown in our sad moments.

Have we ever wondered why each time we are happy we try to continue being happy?

This is because of our awareness and acceptance that happiness is good and this explains why we seek happiness and take actions to be happy always.
On the other hand, we are all aware and accept that being in sorrow, pain and distress is sorrowful, painful and distressful but in most cases, do not seek and take actions to get out of this zone and this to me explains why we have more negative than positive memories in our minds.

Why do we get stuck in negativity?

I think denial and fear are the key things that stick us to negativity. In tough times, we either deny reality or are too afraid to face reality. Let me use death as an example. Most often we fear death but the reality is that we all must die. As painful as it is to think of when you will die, if you accept death, then you will prepare to die. Some wise man said the richest place in the world is the cemetery and I concur because in the cemetery, we have a lot of people who did not prepare to die and as such died before sharing all the wonderful things about them. If we accept the reality of death, then we will live our lives in absolute beauty and maximize our sweetest potentials. If we accept the reality of death, then we shall prepare to die and then the day we die, people will celebrate our lives coz they enjoyed the best of us.

How open am I with my emotions?

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Over the years, I have learned to be aware, accept and take action about my emotions and this has helped me to become a better person in the society. I am very open with my emotions but I try to express my emotions in such a way that it doesn’t hurt people but rather inspire people.
In happy times I seek and take action to guarantee more happiness for the future. When the going gets tough, I accept and take action to transform the tough times into happy moments. I have learned to look at life from the brighter side and behind every dark cloud, I always look for the silver lining. I am must say i am very open with my emotions but i am also very cautious and make sure my emotions don't hurt others.

Do I appreciate others to be open with their emotions?

Being open with your emotions is a means of letting others effectively understand who you are, what you seek and what you hope to achieve from them. It’s a means of effective communication with people as well as a tool of caution for people to avoid ruining your happiness or drowning you in more sadness.
It’s a way to better connect with people and let them deeply understand who you truly are and I think being open with emotions is very important.

However, I think it’s very important to understand that being open with your emotions has consequences and it’s great to understand and deal with the consequences of your emotions before accepting to be open with your emotions; if not, you risk drowning in your emotions.

For instance, it’s important to know that sometimes your emotions may go unnoticed or that expressing your emotions may negatively affect other people’s emotions and as such you need to be cautious.
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Real Vs Fake Emotions

There is also great need for us to question our emotions for us to be able to different between real emotions and fake emotions. I do not know how to really put this but I think what comes to mind is kind of related between love and lust.

However I just wish to ask “Are all emotions real? Are some emotions true and others fake?”

To conclude, I just wish to say it’s appropriate to be aware, accept, own and take action about your emotions but we should beware of the consequences of our emotions on us the people around us and strive for consequences that inspire, uplift and bring about positive change in our lives and the lives of the people around us.
If we accept that sad emotions are bitter, then we should make sure the actions we take when we are in rage or sad should not drown us in more sadness but rather seek to inspire, uplift and bring about a positive change in our lives and the lives of the people around us.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts on real vs fake emotions.

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great post @thegreens! loved how you talked about this:

I think denial and fear are the key things that stick us to negativity. In tough times, we either deny reality or are too afraid to face reality.

sometimes that fear can keep us from really "owning" or experiencing that emotion, but once we actually feel into it, it isn't that bad. we find a bunch of energy stored there. thanks for sharing your thoughts. obviously i love the work you're doing in your community and how you're always seeking to inspire others. much love!

Thanks for your support and i am very happy to connect with all the wonderful people of Ecotrain. You all are a great source of inspiration!

great post @thegreens! nice to see you bring in some points that i haven't seen mentioned by others.. which is why i love the QOTW.. we are all amazing, and combined we bring together so many incredible insights!
much love!

oh and..

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I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


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