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RE: Do I Want to Be a Superhero - Response to Ecotrain QOTW...

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Right now I'm just envisioning a world, where the let's say average, normal humans, (meaning not the exceptional egomaniacs) are confronted with a super-compassionate, highly sensitive kind, who can immediately know and understand the other one's feelings just by looking at them. On the other hand, to those sensitive types us regular folks (who do care about each other, but not in this extra heightened way) must seem like narcissistic savages.

Reminds me of a girlfriend I had, who once told me, when I asked her what was wrong: "Well, if you have to ask, there is no point of me telling you." What bothered me most about that, was that I actually had really no idea how I had offended her, which made me feel like an utter narcissist. I guess we were not on the same level of compassion. But since then, this same fear keeps popping up inside me whenever I'm not able to follow someone's emotions. So this particular sci-fi scenario feels especially horrifying to me.


Ahh! But see if you are super compassionate you would not be thinking on those lines but more on helping those less fortunate. Unfortunately technology and AI can not touch those areas of compassion and true joy and that is up to the individual to develop.

Sounded like kind of a communication thing with you and that old girlfriend. Sometimes it's hard to communicate when someone is in a very emotional state.
Funny but since I had listen to Gabor Mate speaking about how trauma (even traumas as a child that we are not really aware of) effect your behavior and even changing your brain chemistry and it has me watching to see where I am coming from , if it is from the spot of the wounded child or a triggered response or can I really be present and respond well instead of reacting. Gabor Mate is a very interesting fellow - check him out on Youtube.

Hmmm... How could you use your compassion to help someone who's incapable of compassion? Let alone if they are in the great majority. I think running away sounds most sensible here.

Yes, it was a communication as well as a cultural issue, since she was very Japanese.

I'm familiar with Máté Gábor. Hungarians tend to be very proud of him even if they have no clue who he is. But I read some of his books as my mom was very much into his stuff for a while. It makes sense what he says about childhood experiences shaping our reality in adulthood. But we must be constantly aware of the responsibility to shape each of our present days ourselves, to be able to handle it. The advice is good, but taking it is long, hard work.

Glad you are familiar with Máté Gábor! He made so much sense and has helped me find clarity in some issues. yes that healing or recovery aspect is a work in progress!

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