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RE: Unschooling 101 Part III

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Aimee. 10 mos! Such a precious age, though definitely stressful for parents! To be sure, kids raised in loving, happy families will gravitate to similar children, but why expose them to all that awfulness to begin with? And no matter how wonderful parents are, all kids pick up bad habits in school, some of them deadly. The number of kids who are suicidal and/or self harming is truly startling. I guess throwing kids in there is a certain kind of socialization, but not the kind we want for sure. Thanks so much for stopping by!


Yes! They are so precious - twins! They're so fun to watch grow and develop. They're personalities are so different and they're really starting to play with each other. They're so sweet and I feel so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. <3

You're right it is somebody of socialization and we have to decide what kind we want for our kids. A dear friend of mine homeschooled as long as she could. She transitioned her eldest to highschool for the experience and he eventually fell in with a bad crowd. He developed a drug problem but because he had such a close relationship with his mom he was very open with her and she worked with him to get help. Now he is a very successful doing sales at a young age and they are still very close. Her two younger kids entered the school system sooner due to other circumstances but the trust she built with them have kept them incredibly close. I admire her strength and the dedication she has to her kids and I hope I can build the same trust in my own family. -Aimee

Stay at home mom is so awesome. I look forward to day that work is more valued. Establishing those early connections is important. Sometimes circumstances push us to things that arent ideal, but if theres a good connection, its easier to get through. We have certainly been in that situation.

Oh for sure! Matt and I have talked about how this world is set up for two income families and not everyone can afford to stay home with their kids. We definitely feel the punch and have been living with family for a few years. Even now, we are with family while we try building a modest house. Thankfully, I have some graphic design clients I can work with remotely. When I was getting work I would be up until the wee hours of the morning and then full-timr mom all day. It was exhausting and I have a lot of respect for working moms. I haven't been doing as much client work lately and I am still exhausted.

You're right, connection is so important. Another Steemit Mama recommended hand-in-hand parenting to me and I love the podcast. They've mentioned reflection where connection may have gotten lost during the day when you notice your kids acting out. Even at 10 months these two get into things they know they shouldn't and if I am mindful I can see where I may have focused too much on breakfast clean up and not enough on them. That alone has helped me shift my parenting to A more positive space. -Aimee

It's such a challenge, and I'll say honestly there are few things I miss about the US. My son, my parents and brother, and food stamps. As I move more towards anarchy, I'm not sure how it plays out, but I definitely feel the larger culture in one way or another must support, financially, one parent staying home with children. It ultimately benefits everyone for children to be loved and supported in a good way. When we move from our remote location to better internet, I'll check that podcast. It sounds like the dr. Sears stuff I read so many years ago. Remember to be gentle with yourself too, though. It's easy to be hard on yourself, but sometimes a clean kitchen definitely helps my mental space, and the kids are resilient. We are better mamas when we do the things that help us feel good. Much love, Aimee. I have really enjoyed our interactions.

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