Mothers and Mental Health

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Now it’s Tuesday. I just couldn’t quite get it posted yesterday. Luckily, it’s all still true!

It’s #mentalhealthmonday. Time will tell if this actually makes it to the posting state while it’s still Monday, but maybe that’s the point. Motherhood. I’m on the fourth sentence, and I’ve already stopped to calm a crying child, fix an owie, and get her some mac-n-cheese.

I’m not sure where and when Mother’s Day is celebrated in different places. I know here in Belize it’s a different day from the US. Whatever the case for you, I celebrated Mother’s Day Sunday because I’m originally from the US and also because that's where my mama is. I know Mother’s Day was originally Mothers’ Day and a call to mothers around the world to band together and stop the patriarchy from stealing our sons and teaching them to murder the sons of other mamas. That is certainly a worthy cause and one I am actually quite passionate about, as those of you reading my Jelsa story must know, but today I want to focus on the modern Mother’s Day and mothers’ mental health more generally.

My amazing 16 yo daughter really outdid herself this year. She made me a scrapbook with pictures of me and my kids with commentary from her. She also painted a lovely mama bear painting and crocheted a washcloth. Then she made me a hash brown breakfast, cupcakes, and creamy potato soup for dinner. She’s a treasure, and she made me feel so special. She and I talk quite openly about motherhood and the ways I feel I have both succeeded and failed. She’s an incredibly special girl, and I am so glad for the close relationship we have. My husband also took the younger kids for a couple hours, so I had some quiet time when I could read and write a bit. My daughter and I ended the day by watching Hidden Figures which is such an amazing movie.


Then today came. It started as such a bummer. I was feeling massive waves of depression. Is it the let down after a really lovely day? Is it the crazy financial and situational stress we are in right now? Is it just that motherhood is really damn hard? Is it a wave of clinical depression and not situational at all? Sometimes I can tell, and sometimes I can’t.

There is no doubt motherhood is incredibly hard. I’m just not sure if that’s what has me so incredibly despondent. My husband again took the children to go swim for about two hours, and that helped a lot, so I’m leaning toward that being the cause. Two days in a row of kid-free time is almost unheard of in these parts.


I have talked a lot on my page about the patriarchy and how feminine qualities and gifts are undervalued. Motherhood is a big one. Sometimes we forget how much we do, and even aware children like my older daughter don’t really realize all that goes into it. And we seem to have significant difficulty remembering to properly care for ourselves. Even if you spent the entirety of mother’s day going from hot spring bath to massage to facial to pedicure to delightful meal cooked by someone else and a whole night in a hotel by yourself, once a year is not enough. The multitude of tasks included in parenting are numerous, and mothers are expected to take the bulk. I often see men celebrated just for showing up, and if they actually participate, they are nearly revered. If I see one more post about how awesome a guy is for getting up and brushing one kid’s hair or showing up to a music performance, Ima lose it. It’s so frustrating.

My darling mothers, we have to insist on taking care of ourselves. I hear so many mothers say that they are so grateful to be mothers and don’t want people to think they see it as a burden. Of course you are grateful for your children. Of course you love them to the moon and back. Of course being a mother is the most amazing and precious gift ever given. You still need a break. Everyone needs time to be alone and quiet. Time to think and breathe. Without interruption. And, yes, being appreciated is also nice. To be clear, I don’t expect appreciation from children. It’s pretty much impossible for them to grasp the magnitude of all you do. Your partner, family, friends, and community are a different story. So please. Go tell a mama you know that you appreciate how much heart, soul, energy, and tears she puts into guiding up the next generation of humans. It is almost impossible to say how much that means to a mama in the trenches. And if you are a partner or close friend or family member, offer a couple hours of your life to give a mama a break. Work doesn’t count as a break, in case you were wondering.

I know someone will say it, so I will go ahead and address it. Yes, there are some fathers who take the brunt of the parenting work. And honestly, they have the issue of being shamed for doing such “feminine work” on top of all the actual work. This is another fail of patriarchy. I still see parents keeping dolls away from their little boys, and it makes me so sad. Whoever is doing it, it is not valued. If you don’t know what daycare workers make, I suggest looking that up in your area. It is better in some countries than others. In the US, it is grotesquely low. It’s the same, of course, with caring for elders. Caregiving of any kind is seen as feminine and is therefore undervalued despite the fact that it is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting.

For the purposes of this discussion, though, I primarily want to talk about mothers. This tendency to underestimate what we are doing already and overestimate our ability to go at superhuman speed without end is dangerous. We need to stop and acknowledge what we have done. We need others to also acknowledge what we are doing. And we need time to rest and rejuvenate, to gather more strength and patience for the immensely important tasks of the sacred contract of motherhood. And I believe we will have to demand it.

Love all y’all mamas! You’re rocking it. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. And I love you. Now go take care of yourself!! Zombies make bad mamas. It’s a fact. Brains!!!!!!!

As always, all pics are mine or pixabay unless otherwise noted.

I’m a passenger on the @ecotrain, as well as a member of @teamgirlpowa and @steemmamas. All three are worth taking a look at, and all three are on discord.


You are not just your kids' supermama but mine too and I looovveeee you!!!!!! Firstly, wow, your daughter really did wonderful things for you and that mama and baby bear painting is just adorbs. Ima come and steal it hahaha :P

Now on to the piece. Such a wonderful write-up mama and I agree with everything you said, literally every word. Yes, motherhood is so hard and tough and beautiful and you are right it is special and nothing compares to your child's hugs, smiles and him telling you he loves you, but that doesn't mean it is not okay to feel exhausted and crazy. That is a part of being a mommy too. You feel tired and insane and sometimes you want a break and feeling that doesn't mean you are a bad mommy. I used to think I was terrible if I was eating and my son hadn't eaten properly since he woke up because he was being fussy not because I didn't give him food. But now, I'm like eating doesn't make me a bad person. Its okay if he is being fussy but I gotta take care of myself too. So now I am trying to love myself too while loving him more :P

Then today came. It started as such a bummer. I was feeling massive waves of depression. Is it the let down after a really lovely day? Is it the crazy financial and situational stress we are in right now? Is it just that motherhood is really damn hard? Is it a wave of clinical depression and not situational at all? Sometimes I can tell, and sometimes I can’t.

Yes, yes and yes to all the questions. Motherhood is never easy and wasnt meant to be. It is our test too :)

Aww. Thank you!!!!! My daughter really did knock it out of the park, and that painting is so incredibly adorable. It's on my bedside table.

Motherhood is an incredible journey through all the emotions. I believe taking care of ourselves has to be of paramount importance. I'm such a better mother when I feel nurtured.

Love this! I can so relate to many points you make.
I laughed out loud when I read "I’m on the fourth sentence, and I’ve already stopped to calm a crying child, fix an owie, and get her some mac-n-cheese." - that pretty much sums up my life at the moment haha! It's taken me 20mins so far to write this comment after helping sort out a potty crisis with my 3 year old, helping my 5 year old prepare some kiwi and refereeing between the two of them when they both wanted to use the same color pen! lol
I also think having older kids and littles can be particularly hard at times when you're trying to divide your time between them all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, it makes me feel less alone in the parenting world when you can connect and laugh about many of the patience- trying parenting moments.
Well done to your daughter for making you those beautiful gifts. It's one of the best feelings when our children do even the smallest gestures and one that really lifts my spirits when my own kids make or do things for me.

Some days I get to the end of the day and wonder how or if I actually got anything done. It's exasperating. I know I've been busy but I'm just not sure doing what.

I definitely feel the older child doesn't get enough attention, but on the other hand, she is a tremendous help. She sweeps and makes dinner every day, and she periodically helps with the kids.

Connecting with other mamas is crucial, I believe, to our mental health. We need to support each other for sure. Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Yep! I totally hear you on that. I feel like that with my girls at times too.
Support is something we definitely all need. If you ever need a mom to mom chat, don't hesitate to message me on discord. I think we have a bit of time zone gap but I will happily reply. :-) xx one love beautiful mama <3

Likewise! It takes me a while to get to my discord, but i do eventually get there and always respond.

congrats on being an amazing mum.. you are NOT alone with feeling the overall tensions going on .. just breathe.. that is sometimes ALL we can do.. sending love xxxx

Thanks, @eco-alex. I've definitely been feeling the hit lately. Really hoping we're moving out of it now. Thanks so much for the love!! I'm sending it right back to you!

Oh mama, I hear you and feel you, I am so over stretched these days, really trying hard to be more gentle with myself, that is my goal for this week. I love your writing as always, I wish there was a way to get it plastered on to walls so that every other person could see it too. I really appreciate how much of a voice you are for us mama's, I have so much love and respect for you and all that you do, you are supermama, who definitely needs smeo time out, some you time. Thank you so much for writing this, much love xxxx

We need to go on vacation together. Even just a day of hot springs and massage. Until then, yes, we need to be gentle with ourselves and each other. I so appreciate your words about my writing. I can't begin to tell you how encouraging that is.

oh how I would love that, one day I really hope to make it happen.
I love your writing it is so full of fire and passion, you are constantly inspiring me xxx

Me too, mama! Thanks again for the encouragement. I'm nothing if not passionate!!!

I feel a little out of place commenting on this post seeing as Im a man....and to be frank (LOL) I dont think we will ever fully understand how little things in a moms life can become big things, and that there is not that 'one' thing that makes you need alone time from the kids etc....
So for this dad, with a supermom in our home doing her best, and that is usually way better than my best, I hope you all know you rock....and we may miss it sometimes, but we know it!

First of all, awesome pun. Second, thanks!!! Feeling appreciated is an enormous piece in easing the intense weight. It really is a cumulative thing. Sometimes the kids get so perplexed when I flip over something small, but it's the 800 things from the previous hour that culminated in the breaking of the camel's back.

It's something that I had to learn....and still learning to recognise.
But what else can I say besides I'm trying :)

That's all we can do, right? Just keep moving forward and doing the best we can in any moment. At some point we have to convince ourselves that is enough.

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