Hey Steemit! I'm Back from Moving Hell!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Moving Sucks!!

Our adorable new house

My room is a shit show of boxes right now.

Not as bad as the kids' room though.

Did you miss me? I've been in the trenches of moving hell. I hate to see what my discord messages look like. Even my Steemit replies must be a scene. We don't yet have internet in the new house, so I'm just writing this up from my bed in my new house. I'm currently surrounded in boxes! Moving is sort of like having a baby in that you don't really remember how intense birth or tiny babies are, so you lose your mind and decide to do it again. This was a quick move, so it's been extra intense. Eleven days from the first time I saw it to the day we moved. It's also a divorce move, so, yeah.

There are twenty something of these beautiful, old cashew trees here!

Before it got too crazy!


Now we are here, though, and it's so incredible. The house is lovely. My ex will be in his own place soon, and we are in a really fabulous new village. Our new location has so much more to offer, including faster internet. There are more shops and a nicer park. Soon I'll do a photo tour, so you can see just how wonderful our new spot is. We are only a block from the beach, but there are lots of gorgeous trees and a fabulous breeze.

My lovely landlady!

The back room as it was getting finished up

I'm really glad to be on the other side of this transition. There's still a whole lot to do, but we now have the stove and fridge hooked up, and I have figured out the very complicated water situation. I am really looking forward to this new chapter in my life. I am excited for it to be just me and the kids. I am so glad for them to have their own room and have a proper kitchen. I can say for certain I am now more grateful for the very simplest of things. We have been living in a one room house with no kitchen sink and no counters for more than two years. I am so glad to be beyond that.

Kitchen is almost set up

Little homey touches. We are making progress!


In any case I have missed all y'all! I've missed reading and learning and writing and especially our conversations. I'm glad I buckled down and busted this move out quickly, but it's strange how attached I have become to all of this. It's also weird how crazy out of practice I feel. Of course I'm also dog tired and physically beat down, so that could be a piece of it. In fact I really must sleep. So good to be back to my Steemit fam.

Much love, y’all!

As always, all pics are mine or pixabay unless otherwise noted.



Your car is old please buy new

It is old for true! Please buy me one!

Wow darling!!! You sound postively JUBILANT. We did miss you. So happy you are on the other side of things. You can breathe out now. Congratulations!!!

Yes! I am beyond the beyond. So super excited and delighted! This was such a good move for us!!! Thank you! It's good to be missed. Xoxo

I lose my mind whenever I have to move. So much junk accumulates, but you move most of in anyway, just in case.
Good luck.

I know. I have to repeat over and over again, "Do I own my stuff, or does it own me?" as well as, "is this really irreplaceable? Will the world end if I have to buy another one?" I definitely lost my mind during this one. I was pretty much hateful. Ah well. So it goes.

welcome home!! happy for you. hope your settling in goes well :) a block from the beach! aye!!! <3

Thank you!!!! I am so happy to be here. It's just an awesome place. I'm getting settled in. Still lots of boxes, but we're getting there. Went swimming in the ocean today! it's such a sweet spot!

Moving hell is.... Hell. I am into my 4th month in our "new" place and still have unpacked boxes that are now marked for "give away" since they're clearly surplus and just excess clutter. Looking fwd to your photo tours and seeing how the move changes your views and contributions. Don't forget to breathe & rest. :)

Some of these boxes were never unpacked in the last two places. They just sat under the house, mostly books. I can get rid of a lot of things, but I suck at getting rid of books. Anyway, some of this shit hasn't seen light in more than three years. It's just ridiculous. And I'm nowhere close to being done. I am currently waiting for my ex to get all his crap out so I can even see what I've got.
I have the tour written out! I just need to go take the pictures!!
Trying to remember to rest. When I laid down tonight, I felt like I had been hit by a train. We did go swimming today, though, and that was so nice!!

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