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RE: Spreadthelovecontest Entry for Freddy from Venezuela.

in #ecotrain6 years ago

You can use it from shore, but I have a pontoon boat, a canoe, and another design I have yet to assemble.

Got it covered, if the SHTF, the canoe with a outrigger and a sail and a center board, will be the primary boat.

I have trotlines, Yo-Yos, bank lines, and poles. Fish traps and nets will be added if things crash. I will preserve by smoking and drying, with some pressure canned too. Enough volume is intended to make barter possible.

I will raise Tilapia in the Aquaponics systems.



oh I forgot about the aquaponics system, yes so you'll have that working for you too. Your canoe is going to be the primary boat? isn't that a little small to be the primary boat? Why do you have all that water craft, you've always done alot of fishing? I figured you'd just through some dynamite in!

The Aquaponics will be my primary source for everything. Preserved food from the regular garden will be the fall back. The lake will back up that.

The canoe needs no power, and is the largest boat that will handle well, with one Man. They sail decently with an outrigger too.

I like to fish, but haven't been able to much lately.


what happens when every person in the area is fishing and all the fish get caught?

ROFLOL! You must not have looked at Keystone lake....

It is v shaped southern leg is the Cimmaron River, and the Northern leg is the Salt fork of the Arkansas River. If you straightened them out, the combined length will be over 80 miles long!

I don't think the fish will run out, I have pulled 35 pounder fish out of this lake myself. Fish over 125 pounds have been caught recently from there. That is a lot of fish to eat, or to smoke, then eat, :)

There are a lot of feeder streams which is where I would put the net....


sir smithlabs! well I just figured if there was a collapse and all commerce stopped then you'd have hundreds of people trying to fish there right? just trying to think ahead like you are but you are also going to raise your own so hopefully it wouldn't make such a difference to you.
This is all for your grandkids or their kids anyway because we aren't going to have a meltdown like this in our lifetime, you realize that right? lol..that's my opinion but I have nothing to base it on. I hope I'm right. Mrs. J scoffs at me whenever I want to prepare or prepp. lol.

The river goes through downtown Tulsa. Most will fish there. When they hike 20 miles to get to Keystone Lake, They will fish there, and just below the dam. I will be 25 miles up lake from the dam. This is not a mud puddle....

The liberals are actively trying to force this Republic into insolvency so they can rule the pieces that are left. They will begin spending as soon as they take up power again. It can not keep going forever. Right now, a dime from 1964 is worth two dollars! On the plus side, when it happens; Steem and weku will skyrocket in value!

There is pressure to make another currency the one used for World trade. This would crash the US Dollar, and the US Economy. That would be an overnight occurrence, that will take most people by surprise. PLEASE be ready my friend!

The final Authority is the Bible. We are admonished to flee to the country to avoid the disaster, that Revelations says must follow in these final days. The Bible is the primary reason for the move we are working on today.

It will get UGLY soon, the liberals are back in control of the money again, and they will begin industrial spending Immediately, day one; and on stuff that will not help us survive!

Remember that they HATE us, and want us dead!


sir smithlabs! well sir..I think they're policies are insane but why would they want to wreck their own country? Don't you think that they think they're doing the best thing for the country? Plus, the spending bills they try to pass shouldn't be able to make it through the Senate.

Remember that they HATE us, and want us dead!

Also remember that most of the liberals are just trying to impoverish the voters, and to place them on the government dole, to get them to vote for the liberals. They do not see the inevitable destruction that must follow insolvency, which they are making inevitable.

The leaders are the ones planning to rule what is left!

They are following Saul Alinsky's rules for Radicals:

I KNOW you don't read, so I found the condensed version; 3 minutes tops...worth the time, to know your enemy! Pay special attention to #12, it is what they have spent the last 2 years working on against Trump! Interestingly enough, he is using #2 and #5 against them.

You have to KNOW your enemy, to counter that enemy! The true enemy here is the Devil, and we can only counter his minions, the liberals. BUT It is important to do so, especially in the end times! Sadly that is where we find ourselves today.

Cover your backside, my friend! They will crash this Republic, and must, because we are the only significant power left, that can resist the new world order they represent! It is called the Tribulation for a reason....


Keystone Lake
Keystone Lake is a reservoir in northeastern Oklahoma on the Arkansas and Cimarron rivers. It is located upstream about 23 miles (37 km) from Tulsa. It was created in 1968 when the Keystone Dam was completed. The primary purposes are: flood control, hydroelectric power generation, wildlife management and recreation.

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