Chronic Wasting Disease in the Deer population may be our fault, and we may need to make big changes!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Some straight talk that make a lot of sense about Chronic Wasting Disease in the deer population. What he says, unfortunately, makes a lot of sense; he has nailed at least one, and maybe THE cause of the spread of this problem!

Image from pixabay:
pixabay deer.jpg

So , Look at this; and tell me what you think about this video. Do You agree, or have a better idea?

We may be causing this outbreak, by the deer feeding we do as bait, and for humanitarianism reasons. Salt and mineral blocks, as well as medications that are field dropped, may be contributing to this problem.

I intend to change my methods because of this. I think I will modify my deer feeder into a fish feeder, for my aquaponics system, when I get it going. But I will NOT put any more corn on the ground, ever!



I'd guess chemtrails are playing a role.

That depends on what poison they are droppingon us that day...BUT I am sure it does NOT help!

Years ago, unremenbered source, sorry!
plane nside-chemtrails.jpg

They have done a lot of work to dump chemicals upon us all!


No...those are beer kegs. They're trying to get us all drunk from aerosolized beer in the air.

Wouldn't it be funny if the chemicals they are spraying were ignited by the jet exhaust?


That would be interesting at least!


sir smithlabs! first of all humanatarianism is too big a word to throw around when rednecks might be reading. Secondly what is that video say, I don't have time to watch it. Thirdly, that picture in your comments, I've never seen a picture of chemtrail proof before! wow where did you get that?

We will just call it Do Gooding, Okay?

The video, and the other link I posted from @squirrelbait both agree that placing food on the ground causes the Chronic Wasting Disease, and we should change that practice. The Science is Good!

On the chemtrails, I voted for President Trump, so I must be a Russian spy, right?

Actually, I get trade magazines in Engineering, and they have a lot of interesting things in them! :) BUT, they have to be read...I thought that was a keeper when I first saw it!


yes sir smithlabs...well there are so many people out there that think the chemtrails are just a conspiracy theory but that photo at least shows that there is at least one plane outfitted for spraying. I wonder if we've ever had any pilots talk about it?
But I have no idea what placing food on the ground is about, someone should do a real post about that.

I just did, Decay places prions on the surface, Prions consumed transfer the disease.

So baiting stations that place food on the ground, help spread this blight.


oh ok is that how it works? well, if you drew a diagram or a picture of it that would make it easier to understand, maybe you should try that next time.

Prions are a protein that Causes Chronic Wasting Disease. They are contained in nerve tissue, and spread when they are consumed.

Even when decomposing, the Prions are still lethal! So when we put the food on the ground, we draw their eating down to where it is the most dangerous...OUR fault!

No diagram can show that....


oh. well maybe I was just teasing. what's your plan for today sir smithlabs? I suppose you're assaulting weku like you do steemit? poor weku will never be the same.

Some time on weku, most on steemit. As long as I have RC, and comments, I am here.

I am reviewing the videos on the SAS hand to hand combat, and the bullet proof mind dvds from the USCCA on situational awareness.

Willie had $800 of dental work done yesterday, so his mouth is sore! He is on my lap, complaining.....

It is a slow day today. Warm dog, warm computer, ROFLOL!


@squirrelbait Thanks for the link on Chronic Wasting Disease:

This is the vector for this disease for certain! Good research girl!


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