in #ecotrain5 years ago

In an unforgettable experience I had the opportunity to share with my friends Carlos and Emmy from England the feat of diving off the coast of Chichiriviche of the Vargas State Coast, taking dives and completing the Padi Open Water course. The calm waters but somewhat cloudy however in the background were clear, being able to appreciate fish such as the Trumpet, Angels and Parrot fish while still enjoying the variety of multicolored fish that unfortunately did not come in photo since my camera was compressed so that it did NOT shoot , a submersible Cannon that at 14 meters of double as if a truck had stepped on it.- Precisely the courses were of depth that included: stations for decompression and safety rules all carried by the calculations for deep diving, depth gauge and clock, safety exercises such as removing the respirator and cleaning it to put it on without fear or uncontrolled alterations.
I did photography poses with Kent (Barbie's boyfriend) who accompanied us with pleasure. A great memory and thanks to Carlos the professor. A week ago I was awarded the Padi Open Water certificate that I continued with cave diving, night diving and didactic course Discoverys in hotels and clubs.
En una experiencia innolvidable tuve la oportunidad de compartir con mis amigos Carlos y Emmy de Inglaterra la hazaña del buceo en costas de Chichiriviche de la Costa Estado Vargas realizando inmersiones y culminando el curso de Aguas Abiertas de Padi. Las aguas tranquilas pero algo turbia sin embargo al fondo estaban claras pudiendo apreciar peces como el Trompeta , Angeles y pez Loro sin dejar de disfrutar la variedad de peces multicolores que desafortunadamente no salieron en foto ya que mi camara se comprimio a tal forma que NO disparaba , una Cannon sumergible que a los 14 metros de doblo como si lo hubiese pisado un camion .- Precisamente los cursos eran de profundidad que comprendia : estaciones para descompresión y reglas de seguridad todo llevado por los calculos para buceo de profundidad , profundimetro y reloj , ejercicios de seguridad como sacarse la carte-respirador y limpiarla para ponersela sin alteraciones de miedo o descontrol. escanear0005.jpg
Hicimo poses de fotografia con Kent (novio de Barbie) que nos acompañó gustosamente .Un gran recuerdo y agradecimiento a Carlos el profesor .A la semana me otorgaron el certificado internacional de Aguas Abiertas Padi que lo continué con buceo en cavernas , buceo nocturno y curso didacticos de Discoverys



Congratulations! So now you have a great beginning to start showing us the underwater world and sharing with us the environmental challenges we can engage with and learn about. Looking forward to that very much.

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