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RE: Empowering Women and Girls (EcoDesigners) in the production of EcoDetergents

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I'm continually inspired by what you all are doing!
I'm curious- how much did all of that cost, and how many loads do you think your batch of detergent will wash?


It costs about 3500CFAF ($7) to produce one dose of powder detergents. One dose produce more than 20 litres of the powder detergents which can be used by a small household of about 4-5persons for more than 3months.
Today, we had just the training but look forward to empowering the trainees with material resources for production and sale of the products as an alternative livelihood activity. Next week we will train them in the production of herbal soaps and herbal oils. Thanks for your support and please we are ready to answer any questions.

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