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RE: Plant Perennial Food For Resilient Gardens

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Mmm yummm! Your berries totally caught my eye.. looking forward to berry season. I am inspired by all the perennials you have been planting and tending! Horseradish and rhubarb are definitely on my future perennials to grow list! This is my second year growing burdock! Will have to compare notes :)


I can't wait either. We are down to our last bag of blackberries. I am going to try something new with the burdock this year (plus other wilds that I want roots from) Raised beds!! I am hoping that the roots are bigger & yields are better.

OMG!! I am trying raised burdock beds too! We are definitely going to have to compare notes! They are just starting to come up with their tiny leaves now...

We went through our frozen blackberries a long time ago, but still have a few quarts of BB jam and almost half gallon of dried bb's that we've been enjoying, mostly in yogurt. Starting to crave the fresh ones again after seeing your pictures though!

How uncanny. I love that! Well, I think you'll be way ahead of me so I'll have to remember to ask you for updates. The snow just thawed this week so we are a bit behind the game.

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