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RE: The Voyage Home: The Wonderful Truth About Cancer

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I think it's such a complicated thing, cancer. My Dad has been vegetarian since 1970, has always eaten fresh food and vegies (I mean, Mum would give us girls slices of cabbage and capsicum, raw, as snacks whilst we were hanging about the kitchen!), drunk green water (chlorophyll), surfed, did yoga - followed an alkalising diet, mostly, though enjoyed a red wine or three once a week, never smoked, always did yoga, surfed - lived an uber healthy lifestyle, and HE GOT A SUPER AGGRESSIVE CANCER. Now, everyone was totally shocked at that one. What, your DAD??? Of all people - knowing that he did everything - and Imean everything - right. He didn't work or play with toxic chemicals or anything - and the only real explanation for it was that 'it happens'. There's no way any alternative to chemo would have saved him - he had a sponataneous heart attack the year before (another WHAT the - turns out something just dislodged in one of the arteries and stuff gathered there and blocked it) so of course him and Mum got even MORE healthy after that, if that was possible at all. Anyway, the tumour grew and grew and he didn't know it was cancer (a lump in his groin)and went about his daily healthy living and then they had the biopsy. Whilst the doctors MUST know that certain conditions make cancer more likely - and I believe they do - these haemotoligists etc aren't idiots - they also know that chemo is an effective treatment and there are different methods of delivery and dosages these days that can help the process. Now, it's hell on earth - death for the body and spirit - but he'scoming good. There's no chance bicarb soda or any alternative would have cured him, and there's no way we could take that chance. I agree that medicine needs to find alternatives, thing is, there IS a lot of research into it, but so far nothing is quite as sure as chemo, and there is so much conflicting information about it out there, that there's no real way to tell for sure what is absolutely going to work. And people with cancer can't be listening to home medicines to cure them - they need medical professionals that know what they are doing. Even our naturopaths here which are fantastic natural doctors will say - go get chemo, and we'll nurture your system back to health afterwards, and in the meantime, here's what you can do. Poor Dad was blaming himself --- what did he do wrong?? But sometimes, it's just a thing with no meaning or rhyme or reason - just a spontaneous fuck up of cells and there we go. Anyway, I'm not saying you are wrong, but that's it's more complicated that that, and I worry about people who are all for alternative remedies faced with cancer and this dilemma about mainstream vs supposedly alt medicine - it's such a terrible thing to face when it SEEMS to conflict with your values. I was quite upset when someone said to me 'oh, chemo is SUCH POISON and so BAD for your body' when Iwas talking about my Dad and I'm like, yeah, IKNOW, but this poison might just save him and that's a chance we are all willing to take.


Hi @riverflows,
Thank you so dearly for such a heartfelt, thoughtful, in-depth response. I've got only love and respect for you, your Dad, and the situation all in your family (and then some) have been dealt. Everything is cause-and-effect, but what has caused his health challenges I of course couldn't begin to guess. I deeply feel for you in your (and his) obvious frustration and fear, how this so often just doesn't make any sense. I would also have been floored by this, knowing what you've all known about his lifestyle. That said, there are any number of other causes out there (environmental and otherwise) that have the potential to bring down an otherwise (seemingly) bullet-proof loved one.
As mentioned in my post, those who've studied the truths of things such as this insist that toxins are the basis of all illness, so as you go forward I hope you'll continue to look into all possible root causes including anything environmental he may be exposed to on a day to day basis. I'm sure you'll leave no stone unturned in trying to make sure he's not being exposed to environmental toxins. Also I have no idea what his water source is, but please ensure it's at least well filtered, but preferably by either reverse osmosis or distillation, if practical.
Please forgive me, I'm not attempting to play doctor here, but with his wonderful healthful lifestyle, something doesn't completely add up.
My sincerest best wishes, thoughts and prayers that his great lifestyle, coupled with the strength that an (obviously) wonderful family such as yours, lends him all the strength he needs for full recovery.
Much love and respect, along with sincerest apologies for any possible pain or anxiety my post may have caused. I stand by it, as I trust the researchers I've been studying, but above all I stand by my love and wishes for your Dad's complete recovery.
In sincere love and respect,

Darling thankyou. I thought for a good two days about whether or not to reply but then I thought should just so you get another angle. Your response to me here shows the beautiful person you must be. Don't worry you didn't cause upset but I just think that there's more than one.way to see a complex situation. And sometimes there isn't a concrete reason for things... they just spontaneously happen. I know my parents don't want to spend their lives worried about every little thing they do from this point thinking of cancer. They honestly live healthy lives and I can't remember a cleaning chemical in my house ever growing up.. I'm 46 now! Keep up your research for sure...the world needs people like you. I just aimed to show you a flipside. Xxx I'm quite fascinated by epigenetics and they saw that parental or grandparent lives can have a huge impact on gene expressions too.. there's a lot we don't know, isn't there? Thanks for your kind words and entering into this dialogue with me with such care and openness. xxx

Also... Dad is 70 so perhaps it's just mortality as it is. As he says "it is what it is" .. bless him. But I cant wait to be surfing and doing yogi with him again.. so your blessings will count x

Thank YOU dear. Your reply brought me a tear of relief that I hadn't caused any additional heartache. Love, thoughts and very best wishes, my friend.


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