What My Meditation Practise Has Bought To Me...

in #ecotrain5 years ago

When I think back to what first bought me to the meditation practice I have today, it was a little handbook that I picked up at a garage sale.

You see, I was having issue dealing with my anger. I would play scenarios over and over in my head and it was effecting my sleep plus other issues effecting my well being.

In this little handbook it said -

Turn that anger into love and if you can't do that, walk away

That little bit of advise served me well even to this day!

I started looking deeper into Dhamma texts (that handbook was a Buddhists handbook) studying all the wealth of knowledge and wisdom I was finding there and it was around this time that I also met my now, husband, who had been a meditation teacher for years in the Sayagyi U Ba Khin Tradition of Vipassana meditation.

Our Dhamma Library

Dhamma library.JPG

He had a wonderful library of Dhamma texts which I delved into and which bought about many Dhamma discussions and lead me to taking a Vipassana meditation course.

All this changed the course of my life. I had more meaning and purpose in my life, more understanding of life and it's impermanent nature.

I got to know myself better too, as I sat quietly, being aware of the rising and falling of my breath and the sensations of my body, I would be aware of being caught up in my thoughts and that they were just that - thoughts, so I would pull myself back to my breath and sensations.

I would feel anxiety arising or excitement and recognize them for what they were and not be taken away by them.

I was gaining the ability to see things equanimously and I would practice that in a Metta (loving-kindness) meditation. See the post I did earlier on Metta (Loving Kindness) which describes more about it and gives the benefits of developing loving kindness, Here and a post on developing it even further with Equanimity Here

In that post I describe the development of loving kindness as working towards being able to have loving kindness at will, being able to send loving kindness without making any discrimination between yourself, a friend, a neutral person or a hostile person. Working towards being able to send loving kindness towards all beings.

I worked with this order so I didn't fall into the trap of hatred or desire.

1-Loving kindness towards yourself.
Doing it with the realization that just as you want to be happy and not suffer, so too do other beings want the same thing. Start with yourself first for it can be very difficult to range out from love towards a dear friend and then switch to love to someone you feel neutral to and anger can often arise when you think of a hostile person. So start by wishing yourself to be happy and peaceful, free from suffering.
2-Loving kindness towards a teacher or mentor.
When you recollect all they have given you, or their kind words,etc. Think, "May this good person be happy and free from suffering"
3-Loving kindness toward a dearly loved friend.
These first three, when sending loving kindness out to them, makes your mind malleable and wielding before you go on to the next group.
4-Loving Kindness to a neutral person.
Do this as if you are sending it to a dear friend.
5-Loving kindness towards a hostile person.
Do this as if you were sending it towards a neutral person.

I would end these sittings (meditation sessions) with a wish that all beings be happy and peaceful, and that peace and harmony prevail in this world. That there may be peace on earth and goodwill towards all mankind and all beings.

When you look at the world with this perspective it takes on a whole different light.

circle of black cut out people holding hands Peace on earth good will towards mankind.png

That is how I want to live my life, in peace and harmony, and my meditation practice plays a big part in having it come about.
I'll be posting more on that in future posts. Until then I hope you find much peace and love in your life too!

I cordially invite you to Mindful Life community, which is only just beginning in the @naturalmedicine server here. We plan to run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness, and there is a big group meditation for all of Steemit coming up on May 1! Exciting times! With much love!

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Oh, isn't this the way the world should turn? I found that meditation gave me a more calm, serene view of things, even when things were hectic in life.

I think you are on to something. And I love it.


This is to help peace and harmony to prevail, for there sure is a of the negative and opposite around!
Have you checked out the New "Mindful Life" community on discord dedicated to meditation and mindfulness?
You're cordially invited:

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👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 @porters Thank you.
Meditation 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️helps is uncover our true nature kindness, compassion and love.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Extending kindness and compassion to others is such an essential part of mindful life, isn't it? And you always inspire me with this aspect of your practice.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”

Oh! I like that insight for being kind, for we really do not know what people are going through.
I find that so much with working with the kids that you really don't know what's going on at home and if you can show them a little love and kindness it makes their day much better!

🎁 Hi @porters! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Being Loved Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Your Dhamma library just exudes good vibes and peacefulness! Wicked awesome idea of having a mindfulness community too - thank you so much for sharing the love & light, @porters! 😊

Will you be joining us in the "Mindful Life" community?

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This is wonderful @porters. It is neat how one thing lead to another and how much you grew.
I love the list of kindnesses too.

Wonderful, in the Bhagavad Gita there is a verse saying the wise sage sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, the cow, the dog and the dog-eater. This equal vision toward all souls regardless of the body they are in is an ancient wisdom for us all.

It really makes for a much better world to see all being with equanimity - not always easy, but so worth the effort to view things this way!

I love the maitri practices too - found such learning and simple truth in the work of Pema Chodron. The gentle stretching of self toward the other dissolves our thought-created boundaries an is a gateway to so much. Lovely sharing @porters.

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Well put-

The gentle stretching of self toward the other dissolves our thought-created boundaries and is a gateway to so much.
I am not familiar with Pema Chodron, will have to look him up.

I respect any religion that advocates love. Love for the self and for ALL others. This world is only a temporary journey and we have to do our best.

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