Keep On Powering On - Entry for the 2000 SP Delegated For the Month of DecembersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I love what @mountainjewel is doing, keeping their Steempower working even while they are away by delegating it to 3 fellow Steemians. Read all about the contest here.

selfie of me by Porters sign Steempower to power on.JPG

I would love to have that extra Steempower to spread the love and rewards.
More and more as I participate here on Steemit I realize what effect having higher SteemPower can do.

With the change over to Resource Credits I realized that comments were using the same amount of resources as posting and thus I would like to be able to reward not only quality posts but also quality comments!

I feel this would help to keep the commenting happening and it's in the comments that I find I get to know folks more, through them I start to make a more personal connection.

If it hadn't been for making those connections with folks here on Steemit and finding great communities I don't think I would have stuck around.

I feel it is a real shame that folks have been limited to what they can comment and I would happily put to work any extra delegation I would receive to rewarding folks who are engaging, which hopefully would help them stay connected so they too can realize what good folks there are here plus what a wealth of knowledge as we share in our different experiences.

I would love to be able to upvote folks who give awesome engaging comments. I love being able to get to know folks on Steemit here through the dialog often started in comments and would love to have my up vote on not only awesome posts but also awesome comments be of more value.

I love to upvote my communities of Natural Medicine, Ecotrain and Earthtribe but I would also love to push the upvote button on many other wonderful posts I find and do it knowing it will count for something.

One other thing I've been getting into doing more of is curation posts for the Pay It Forward contest when I find new Steemians who are writing quality posts. It gives them a little more exposure and I could give them more of an upvote too!

It's those that are just starting out that I'm really concerned about or those that have been hampered by lack of resource credits. Keeping your Steempower working helps to get more SteemPower and resource Credits out to others and I would be more than happy to see that it goes to good use.

I'm working too on getting so I can post videos on Dtube and would like to be able to do that along with my other daily posts and with the extra delegation I would no longer have to be worried if I'm draining my resource credits.

Mostly it is knowing that you can give others the support with your comments and upvotes just as you @mountainjewel and others, had done for me when I first came to Steemit.

It's that keeping on adding value to the Steemit, keeping your Steempower working, rewarding folks for their efforts that keeps Steemit growing. I love my fellow Steemians and the wonderful communities found on Steemit and would be honored to put your delegation to work!

My eye color is green. Keep that SteemPower POWERING ON!


awesome!! i love it @porters <3 thanks so much for your entry and for all of the community love you've been spreading around as a part of your efforts. much love

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