Eco-train QOTW Regarding the Roots of Conflict - a Response...

in #ecotrain5 years ago

The question @Eco-Alex posed as the @Ecotrain QOTW -

What is the root of conflict between mankind? What needs are not being met?

confict or hormonie polorization.jpg

It seems, deep down, most of us desire things like love and happiness. We want to feel we belong and have some meaning in our life. Do you agree?

We have survival instincts and a desire to thrive and have our families thrive, and other drives that urge us on in life.

I read an interesting idea for how to put an end to war -

Have all the women refuse to sleep with (have sex) with any men who engages in war. That would soon put a stop to men participating in war, so strong is the sex drive!

Now when there is a drop in morality and greed, hatred and delusion start to take over, conflicts arise. Wars, corruption and deceit start to prevail and lost are empathy, compassion and even our sense of humanity.

It seems that the times we are in, morality is declining. Governments and those behind them will seem to do anything to hold onto power. The gap between the haves and have-nots is widening, with such a small percentage holding on to the majority of the wealth. There is more divisions, the us and thems, with so much troubled times and conflict, even wars.

As for delusion, there is so much "false news" and people holding a sense of entitlement and not wanting to take responsibility for their life, believing the government will take care of them or something like that. They may be in for a rude awakening!

But take heart there is some light in the darkness!

One beacon of light is the ecoVillage concept based on the gift economy. @Eco-Alex 's vision that is starting to take hold and become a reality. Visit to find out more.

It's funny, ever since I read Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged I loved the idea of a break away society that is made up of conscientious, moral people which are producers, movers and shakers. The idea of the ecoVillages of the future seem to fall into that image I have.

The ecoVillage model aims at disrupting the “Cost of Living” industry. Think what freedom that could bring! No more wage slaves!

Do you agree there is extremely high cost of living nearly everywhere in the world today? What if we could significantly reduce or eliminate the cost of living? The ecoVillages could provide a lifetime of self sufficient, off-grid living, for all members, giving them all the amenities they need for that lifestyle. They will have the support of the ecoVillage with a community that works synergistically and for the good of all.
From the ecoVillages website -

We can look at this model as a collaborative approach to eco building and living, that brings together the very best of capitalism, the very best of sustainable building, and a community of motivated and empowered people. The result is ecoVillage, finally a way that could make it not only possible, but even easy, for anyone who wants to build their own ecohome.

Sounds pretty idyllic to me! Agree?

If you want to join in the discussion or read other responses to this @ecotrain QOTW find the details ĥere

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

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Such is my cynical side that I only see a withdrawal of sex resulting in rape and more violence. Given that war often uses women's bodies as a site of conflict and victory it is little wonder I feel this way. Sex and war and death and violence is all the same. It's just man's inability to understand himself and his desires.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh my goodness that comment bought out a bit of the dark side and even though I don't think it would be possible for all women to withdrawal sex, I found it interesting the power of sex in that it possibly could be something that could stop war. I totally get where you are coming from and sad to say it is more in line with reality.

I have, for a very long time, felt and believed that the base source of all our conflict is two fold:

  1. We suffer the curse of self-awareness;
  2. We have an imbalance of resources.

When a group of people begins to suffer because of a lack of resources (food and water are the basics) they become aware of others who are not suffering, and this leads to jealousy, and anger, and so forth. It spirals from there.

We can't "fix" self-awareness, but in this day and age we should be able to fix resource imbalances.

Totally! We could fix the resource imbalance if we, collectively, could find the will to do it. It saddens me to see that imbalance when I know there is more than enough for everyone's basic needs to be met but greed seems to be running rampant!

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