Earth Day - Remembering...

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Earth Day is meant for a day to demonstrate and promote environmental awareness and calls for the protection of our planet.
Although it is a good reminder, it's better to keep Earth Day everyday!

For the Beauty and Goodness of the Earth


I live in the Boreal forest, close to nature.
I love the trees and it grieves me to see some of the logging practices destroying our beautiful ecosystem.
I'm not against harvesting lumber but can you not do it in a sustainable fashion!
Same with taking trees for paper.
Often paper seems so removed in our minds from their source, trees. The paper usage in our country is astronomical! Folks often using paper mindlessly.

I know I need to remind myself to use this natural resource wisely.

Things like -

  • Using both sides of the paper
  • careful on the tissue use
  • thinking before printing out stuff - is it really necessary?
  • reusing and recycling paper and paper items

The earth is what sustains us and I believe there can be food enough for everyone!

My way of working towards this is -

  • not to waste food
  • not to support, with my dollars, companies that do not use sustainable methods of producing food.
  • gardening and growing my own food, creating an abundance to share
  • buying local, where I know the producers

With this idea of growing your own food and buying local address another problem - pollution!
This food will not have to be transported large distances with all the pollution it causes.

I'm glad Earth Day was created - it's been a good reminder for me and I hope you too!
With that said I hope you all are enjoying this day and celebrating our fabulous earth!
Personally , I'm out sitting in the sun, barefoot in the grass, breathing in the fresh country air while I write this post.

Happy Earth Day!

An Earth Day gift for you -

Earth Day Wish

cover for Earth Day Wish.jpg

A Flip Book filled with some brilliant articles on species preservation by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Flip through it at:

Image was from Graphicstock and the book cover was my creation

Thanks for stopping by!

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Ah! It is heart rending for those of us close to nature to see mankind's destructive habits. We are active in the communities teaching about conservation and one can only hope and pray that the seeds that we sow in young minds, will grow into trees of care one day.

amazing that you actual care about our world and are doing all those things. We also try to be more aware of what we do in our daily life. Buying products that are either form local farmers and that are not wrapped in a plastic. If we buy smth then we will make sure that we use it all. Some 2 years ago w did this small experiment - basically to realize how much waste we are making , thus, we did not take out any trash for 30 days - and OMG it was shit load (sorry for my language) of garbage. 4 or 5 big bags of pure waste - and majority was plastic. :O that was so shocking for us. thus, we are trying to do smth about it from our side. ;) thanks for the amazing post and reminding us that we can be better. ;) cheers

That's a good idea to let your garbage accumulate so you can really be aware of how much there is! It's these little wake up calls that seem to have the greatest effect otherwise we seem to just cruise along, unaware.

We all must fight to save our planet from those that are ruining it for profit

Only a man spoils nature and the earth ... then a man must save it!)

Like you, I try to make every day Earth Day. These are all great suggestions, though. Buy local. I buy all my fruit from local farms.

I worry about Earth Day - about it becoming just one day amongst 364 other days. The imperative on us to drastically reduce, to do things differently, to educate and to be truly RADICAL is urgent, I think. So much is being lost as we tip our hats to everything else and get distracted. Thank you for the mindful post, and for riding the train to keep these issues alive and high on everyone's agenda 365.

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Yes! All these wonderful reminders from the Earth conscious folks I find is really necessary to keep us keeping on!

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