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RE: Why We Homestead | Through Thick & Thin

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

@talltuk and myself share a lot of these goals. We made the decision to move towards a self-sufficient lifestyle after the hundreds of conversations we had with people when we spear headed an Occupy camp in the UK. We concluded that the only way to change the direction this world is going is was to change our lifestyles, serve as an example and show our children that there was an alternative way to live life.

We are also really keen to be less dependent on the globalised network of 'stuff' and also to learn to live closer to nature and 'within our means'... not our financial means but the resources that are realistically available to each person, without the industrial middle-men processes and the mechanisation of goods and food. Note I say 'closer', because we do believe that technology has its place within this new paradigm. If nothing else it is the best use of the technology we do have.

We are closer to achieving our goals and a debt-free life will be made possible with crypto... Of which we are grateful for.

Keep on and keep up the good work. Indeed we need more stewards and more people to stop chasing the consumerist dream if this planet is to sustain us for much longer.


Happy to hear a bit of your process and journey @olayar. "the only way to change the direction this world is going is was to change our lifestyles," trueer words have never been said...

It's amazing how things become more clear though repeated conversations eh?

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