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RE: Do it Yourself! *How to Raise Independent Children*

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I didn’t know you worked at a Sudbury school. We used to have one here that closed long before my kids were school-aged.

On failure and natural consequences, it’s something that is not allowed to happen for most kids and we all miss out on so much learning.

I was helicoptered and I fight the urge to jump in a lot of the times. Sometimes it helps to remember that my involvement can actually make the situation worse or more dangerous and rob the kids of the natural learning process.


Yes. I loved our school so much, but when I moved, no one was willing (shockingly) to work long hours for no pay, so it closed as well.
It's still hard for me after 20 years of parenting, five of those at a Sudbury school. My 6 yo is a whole new ballgame too. He has very little fear and is intensely passionate. I do a lot of deep breathing.

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