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RE: What is Patriarchy: a society led by men?

in #ecotrain6 years ago

great post @misslavegas. i'm glad you wrote in on this! so much truth in your words. what intrigued me most is the fact that the witch trials touched you so deeply when you were young and spurred on so much of your seeking. the why!

as i grew i started to look at this too and anyone who's willing to look can see the amount of fear that is left over from these events.

They had their fingers in everything.

this is chilling to the bone and as we look back at history, we see that this is so. the christian missions were just other ways to take over and conquer the earth through something called a religion. it's a vestige of any true form of spirituality.

back to the witch trials and the suppression of women as healers and resulting medical paradigms. this is something so close to me because i am a woman healer. i grew up in the church. and i had to walk that path through the church and the suppression of the true female power, the embracing of the earth and paganism, and the way the feminine is vilified and shut down in the church... most of the world is blind and brainwashed and their emotional and historical/family ties keep them believing in things like the church and modern medicine, which is a carefully crafted system to take control and power out of the hands of the people...

anyway, i could go on. i enjoyed your article and can see that it would be fun to have further conversation more in depth with you about this!


Thank you @mountainjewel! That means a lot coming from you. I have always been a very sensitive person, even at a young age. I once cried when someone stepped on a snail that my mother refused to let me put to the side of the road! And I absolutely agree, about the christian missions being other ways to take over. Absolutely. It was and is, another way to suppress people. I've always seen the stories in the bible like fairy tales were meant to put fear into children...If you don't know any better, the promise of hell and damnation would keep anyone on the right side of the church. And yes, the fear is still deeply rooted within and even though, we don't see women being burned at the stake anymore, witch hunts have never truly gone away. It is still happening every day. I've had discussions with people on fakebook before I came here, where their views were so strong about certain opinions, I oftentimes said that if they'd have lived in the witch hunt times, they would have put people on the stake because of their opinions. A lot of people don't know that it was Martin Luther for instance, who told his followers to let a woman die in childbirth and not feel sorry for her, because it was a woman (Eve) who brought us here in the first place! A lot of religious leaders have felt that way. And it is still very much visible in today's births in medical settings (but that's another discussion). I'm glad to hear you found your way, and that you managed to step out of the church trap. I was lucky that my mother was a non-practicing Catholic and my father an Atheist, so church was never a must in our family. I've always felt very close to the pagan way of life and studied their world. I love you telling me you're a healer, the first thing my ex sister in law (and she's a barrister...but also very close to nature) told me was that she could see I am a well as her brother (my ex). I guess to a certain extend this might be true, because some women I have worked with, only told me their stories, I didn't really do much but listen, would later tell me that when I left, it was like I took all their problems with me. Which was oftentimes the case literally, because I always felt exhausted after those visits. In my search for and while walking my own path, paganism has been there a lot (hey, I live in Ireland!), but I guess if someone would have to put me into a box it would be shamanism. But then, I believe shamanism is very closely related to paganism. I could go on forever too. Maybe one day we'll be able to have a further conversation about these subjects in person! That would be awesome.

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