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RE: ecoTrain Question Of The Week Tie-Up Post: Why do you think there is so much hate and anger toward Vegans, and why are those who eat meat and dairy so threatened by the notion of giving it up?

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Hi Alex, It is nice to read your words I am genuinely sorry I missed the challenge. To me many people think they know what Veganism is, when in reality they actually don't. There are a whole raft of different agendas pushed on Vegans and Veganism. From environmental to health. Veganism at its core couldn't be further from a cult as some people would suggest.

So what is veganism?

"Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose." SRC Nothing more.

I get why Vegans get angry at the state of the world and indeed the industrial enslavement, mutilation, theft and ultimate killing of billions of animals. This is my own reason for being Vegan and my family's reason too. I also get why meat eaters get angry when Vegans point out the issues. People like to turn a blind eye to this evil. They want to feel good about their food choices. I don't believe that for one second that there is an "ethical" way to kill animals. In saying that ethics is a sliding scale.

I try to base my life on what I know or what I can prove. So many of the arguments against Veganism (and the other causes tagged on to it) simply don't hold water in anyway. Myths like Vegans kill more animals, Vegans cause more pain and suffering because plants feel pain etc. None of these myths are anywhere near truth. So because of that I and many other Vegans and activists feel that they must speak up, sometimes all it takes is one brave soul to stand up to stop that which is wrong.

I do know one thing, if we keep going down the massively destructive path that we as a species are on we will wipe out all life on this planet.

I will finish with a quote one that I hold dear to my heart, one that gives me the strength to fight on in the hope that one day we will see an end to this toxic way of living.

"We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form. "

William Ralph Inge


Beautiful! So happy to meet a like minded soul! You said it so well and clearly, and of course i totally agree witj what i say! Id write more but im on a taxi now... namaste!

There is no worry, thank you for your prompt reply. Have a safe journey and indeed day.

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